Cannelton Reporter

Perry County

Cannelton Reporter

3 April 1858

Wm. MoKinley Esq., we are informed, has got the contract for building the bridge over Anderson, near its mouth. Perry County has to pay one half the cost of construction, which will be about $3,750. Only $2.500 has been appropriated. we are not sure why the whole amount was not appropriated. The deficit of $1,250 will produce delay in the commencement of the work as the contractor will not feel willing to assume for the county so large an amount. In view of the importance of the work, we hope the matter will engage the prompt attention of the Commission of this county.

8 May 1858

The appropriation for Anderson Bridge is still not made we have been informed that Maj. John P. Dunn threatens to enjoin Spencer and Perry counties when they shall attempt to erect the proposed bridge over Anderson river. The Major says he has a charter from the legislature to build a toll bridge over Anderson at any point within two miles of its mouth, that he has constructed the bridge and that he will not permit t this county improvement to go forward.

12 June 1858

The Perry County Commissioners appropriate up to $4,000 for Anderson Bridge.

13 November 1858

The pottery below Tell City has been carried on for some years with entire success.

22 January 1859

The rickety old court house at Rome will very soon be tumbled down by decay.

18 December 1858

H. Groves, Eeq. of Rome informs us that the family of Mr. Thomas Chism residing in 0il Twp, consisting of himself, wife and three children, have all died within a week, and that the family of a Mr. Ham, consisting of seven, are also dead.

Troy  23 Mar 1905

Mrs. Theresa Kunkle, wife 0f Jacob Kunkler of the Mode Brewery here, was instantly killed in a run-away on Eighth street in Tell City, about 4 o’clock Thursday evening. She and Mr Kunkler had started to Troy and were driving a horse with a bad record. The halters rein came off and dropped to the ground and the horse, wanting only a small excuse, started to run. Mrs Kunkler, becoming frightened a the threatened danger, arose from her seat, probably intending to jump out of the buggy, when the horse gave a sudden surge to greater speed, jerking her backward onto her head behind the buggy, and breaking her neck. MJ Kunkler staid in the buggy got the horse under control and came out unhurt.

The above are the details a nearly as we could learn, of the most deplorable accident in which, one of Troy’s most esteemed women died in the prime of life with hardly a moment’s warning. The entire town of Troy unites in sympathy for the bereaved family.

She was taken to the under taker where her remains were attired for that eternal sleep that knows no dreams nor waking Later in the evening she was brought to Troy in the hearse Funeral will be from St. Pius church today (Saturday,) at 9:30 a. m.

Apr 1905 

Myers & Lorch of Troy have purchased an 8-acre site at Liver-More, Ky. and will soon begin he erection of a chair factory. that little Green river town is on boom. With the chair factory running it will have nine wood working plants. Arrangements are being made with the O. & N. railroad for a switch to the new factory.

Bristow, Indiana august 9, 1906

Miss Hattie Weedman of East St. Louis is visiting friends and relatives here this week.

Mrs. Dyer Fuller was buried at the Stapleton cemetery near Siberia Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fuller had been sick for a long time. The deceased leaves a husband and one daughter to mourn her death. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved.

Sylvester Cronin and family attended church here Sunday.

The Hon. Jesse M. Cunningham of Branchville was seen on our streets Saturday.

J.R. Huffman sold the property here known as the Bristow Hotel Saturday at public auction.  John Jeffers was the highest bidder; John Sweeney of Tell City was the auctioneer.

History, Genealogy, Early Settlers and Historical Points of Interest in Perry County, Indiana