
Made Buggy Hubs

The principal business at this time was the manufacture of all kinds of building materials and custom planing mill work. Its chief source of supply consisted of native lumber such as poplar, ash, oak and maple which grew in a plentiful supply in Perry Co. In early 1900 the firm added a side line, the manufacture of buggy hubs. These hubs were cut from elm timber, which at that time, was very plentiful in Perry Co. This operation became quite extensive and as much as a million feet of timber was cut each year. It also served as a source of reve­nue for the farmers in winter, who cut, hauled and sold this timber by the wagon load. As the business increased, a new supply of timber was needed and it became necessary to maintain a fleet of boats and barges to bring this lumber in from points along the Green and Ohio Rivers. With the advent of the automobile this part of the business was discontinued and the last shipment of blocks was made in 1920 to the Canadian government for use of light artillery wheels.

In 1916 John M. Kreisle bought out the interest of his brother Fred and became the sole owner of the firm and was joined in the business by his two sons, Erwin F. and John D. Kreisle.

History, Genealogy, Early Settlers and Historical Points of Interest in Perry County, Indiana