- Clark: Business throughout the township is on the decline. The days of flatboating & running saw logs have been chronicled as past historical events of the land of Clark. The old water mills on Anderson River yet stand, not as useful & necessary “corn crackers”, but as feeble wooden monuments to the memories of the hardy pioneers, who erected them. Portable mills and stave buckers have worked up all the choice timber and nothing remains but “scrub Oakes”, which is being manufactured into railroad ties. Enquirer & Reporter, Dec. 4, 1886.- Clark: Staves hard to come by, but still some saw-logging & hoop poles being taken out with water in Anderson high. Enquirer & Reporter, Mar.19, 1887.
Clark Plat Map 1861
- Clark: Staves hard to come by, but still some saw-logging & hoop poles being taken out with water in Anderson high. Enquirer & Reporter, Mar.19, 1887.
History, Genealogy, Early Settlers and Historical Points of Interest in Perry County, Indiana