The Huff’s Ferry Covered Bridge is no longer standing … it crossed Anderson River connecting the counties of Perry and Spencer and neither the date of its construction or demise are know.George Gould identified a World Guide number of 14-62-09 for the Huff’s Mill Covered Bridge in his book “Indiana Covered Bridges Thru the Years,” published in 1977 by the Indiana Covered Bridge Society, Inc. The structure was perhaps located in Section 12, Township 6 South and Range 4 West.—————————————————————————————The Troy Covered Bridge is no longer standing … it crossed the Anderson River connecting the counties of Perry and Spencer and neither the date of its construction or demise are know.
George Gould identified a World Guide number of 14-62-07 for the Troy Covered Bridge in his book “Indiana Covered Bridges Thru the Years,” published in 1977 by the Indiana Covered Bridge Society, Inc. The structure was located in Section 14, Township 6 South and Range 4 West.
The Cannelton Covered Bridge is no longer standing … crossing Castleburry Creek in Perry County, very little information is known about this structure excepting that it was built in about 1868.
George Gould identified a World Guide number of 14-62-01 for the Cannelton Covered Bridge in his book “Indiana Covered Bridges Thru the Years,” published in 1977 by the Indiana Covered Bridge Society, Inc. The structure was located in Section 8, Township 7 South and Range 3 West.
NOAH D. FULLER, is a native of Troy Township, Perry County, Ind., and was born April 13, 1824, being the second in a a family of seven, three now living, viz.: Noah D., Mary J., who married Thomas J. Combs; Margaret, now Mrs. James B. Havens, born to Archibald and Diademma (Spencer) Fuller. They were married in Kentucky and settled in Perry County about 1822, where they remained until their deaths. The mother was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Our subject was reared and educated by his parents. He was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Waller, April 5, 1846, and to this union eleven children have been born, eight who lived to be grown now living: Sallie, now Mrs. Henry Harris, Archibald, Mary E. (deceased) who married Z.T. Kellums, Ruth R. (deceased) who married Henry Hessick, Diademma, who married D.T. Cloud, Margaret B., now Mrs. George Phillipps, Noah D. and William T. Mrs. Hannah Fuller was born August 30, 1825. Mr. Fuller makes farming a specialty. He owns 140 acres of fertile land, mostly well improved. He is a Democrat in politics. His wife belongs to the United Baptist Church. They are among the substantial and respected citizens of the county. “History of Warrick, Spencer and Perry Counties, Indiana - Clark Township” by Goodspeed Bros. & Co. - published in 1885
History, Genealogy, Early Settlers and Historical Points of Interest in Perry County, Indiana