Civil War Vet

Civil War Veterans


Civil War Vet
Civil War Vet

Natives of Clark Twp. taken in 1917 during a war bond drive. Francis Lanman, Judd Collins, Aaron A. Mills, Joe Nix, Johnny Beard, Zephaniah Miles, Sid Cummings, Lawrence Cassidy

The 10 Oct 1861 Cannelton Report obituary for John Courcier reads: “Death of a Soldier —
John Courcier, formerly of Leopold, Perry county, but for the last four years of Jeffersonville, was accidentally shot at Paducah, Ky., on Sunday morning, the 22d of September. The deceased had enlisted in the 23d Regiment, Indiana volunteers, Col. Sanderson, and was a Unknown in Company B., Capt. W.W. Caldwell. After bidding a last farwell to his widowed mother, sister and brother he left Jeffersonville on the 15th of last August to fight the battles of his country. His regiment went to St. Louis, spent there two months and was sent to Paducah, Ky., where the sad accident happened. The gun was in the hands of a fellow soldier named Anderson, when it was accidently discharged, and the ball which struck poor John Courcier under the arm went through his body and wounded another soldier mortally. He lived three hours after the accident, sent for the Catholic priest, but could not get him, because he had left for some town below. He spoke feelingly of his mother and sister, expressed a desire to see them, and then crossing his hands upon his breast, continued praying and begging God’s forgiveness until he brethed his last breath. He was so much of a favorite with the nobel regiment that he was universally regretted, and the Colonel, it is said, shed tears when he died. The boys made a collection which amounted to $150.00, bought a metallic coffin and sent the body to his mother at Jeffersonville, under the care of Sergeant George Brown. The body arriving at Jeffersonville, was buried by the Home Guards with military honors, and followed to the grave by the fire companies. The Rev. P. Doyle officiated, and his sermon at the graveyard was feeling and appropriate, and contributed much to console the young soldier’s bereaved mother who had lost a good and dutiful son. May his soul rest in peace. N.B. The deceased’s grandmother and aunt live at Leopold, and his father and grandfather are buried there.”

NameHomeDate EnterUnitRemarks
Achiles, Louis (Private) Perry Co 2-1-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865 as 1st Sergeant
Adams, James H. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-12-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered our 7-21-1865 substitute
Aders, George W. (Recruit) Adyeville 1-14-1865 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Aders, John (Captain) Clark Twp IN State Militia Overheated in Morgan's Raid in Clark Twp
Aders, Peter (Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Aders, Samuel (Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Aders, William F. (Recruit) Adyeville 1-14-1865 Co E 49th I nf Regt Mustered out 5-15-1865
Aken, Moses N. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-12-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865 substitute
Albert, LeonardCannelton8-30-1861 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Died at New Orleans 28 Aug 1863.
Allen, Benjamin F. (Private) Rome 2-25-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Allen, David (Recruit) Rono 12-12-1862 Co K 38th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-15-1865
Allen, James W.H. Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Allen, William H.Adyeville8-22-1862 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to V.R.C., 17 Dec 1863.
Alvey, Benedict Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Company G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Alvey, Benedict I. Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died in Tn. 3-3-1863
Alvey, HenryLeopold10-8-1861 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Veteran, Mustered out 30 Sep 1864; 1st Sergeant.
Alvey, James A.Leopold8-22-1862 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 26 Dec 1862.
Alvey, JohnLeopold10-8-1861 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died at Indianapolis, 1861
Alvey, John (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-18-1865 wounds
Alvey, Luke (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Bowling Green, KY 11-24-1862
Alvey, Nicholas (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at NashvilieTN; 12-23-1862
Alvey, Thomas (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died of wounds at Stone River 1-2-1863
Alvey, William T. (Corporal) Derby 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 12-16-1865 as private
Anderson, Alamander (1 st Sergo) Troy Twp Co B 43rd Inf Gunshot wound in left forearm, Perryville, KY 1862
Anderson, James (Private) Union Twp Co F 144th Inf
Anderson, John M. (2nd Lieut) Troy Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-7-1865 as Coropral
Anderson, John R. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 2-15-1864
Anderson, Oliver P.Troy 81st Ind InfCommissioned 1st Lieutenant Company K 15 Apr 1863; Commissioned Captain Company K 18 Jun 1863; Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel 23 Nov 1864; Commissioned Regiment Colonel 1 Jan 1865; Mustered out as Lieutenant Colonel with Regiment.
Anderson, Strother ( Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Killed in battle at Lovejoy Station
Anderson, Thomas R. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Andrew, August (Corporal) OilTwp Co H 23rd Inf Rheumatism
Aquehart, Alexander (Private) Perry Co 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 absent sick
Armstrong, William (Corporal) OilTwp Co G 66th Inf
Arnold, Ferdinand (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-30-1865
Arnold, Leopold (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co 0 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Arthur, Ambrose ( Recruit) Perry Co 3-23-1865 Co G 53rd Inf regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Artman, James R.C. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Ash, Virgil (Private) Union Twp Co H 23rd Inf
Aters (Aders?), LeviRono 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Winchester, TN 15 Jul 1863.
Aters, George (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Aters, John F. (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 3-26-1862
Aters, Levi (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Winchester, TN 7-15-1863
Austin, George (Private) OilTwp Co G 66th Inf
Austin, William (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co 0 35th I nf Regt Veteran; transferred to U.S. Engineers
Auvit, John (Corporal) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Avis, James H. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Avis, John (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Disch'ed 6-- 1863 wounded at Stone River
Badger, Alonzo A. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-8-1863
Bah, John (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Bailey, Taylor ( Recruit) Perry Co 2-4-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Baily, Mandales (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1-25-1864
Baker, Henry G. (Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Barbarich, Michael ( Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Barger, Joseph (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Homr 11-2-1861
Barhalter, Joseph (Recruit) Perry Co 9-21-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Barker, Zachariah (Sergeant) Tobin Twp Co C 53rd Inf Rheumatism
Baseheart, Ferdinand (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Bates, Reuben F. (Corporal) Troy 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865, as 1 st Sergeant
Batson, Andrew (Captain) Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers
Bauer, Frederick (Private) Perry Co 10-7 -1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 10-7-1861 disability
Bauer, Herman (Private) Anderson Twp Co L 13th Inf Poisoned in Nashville, TN
Bauer, Peter (Private) Troy Twp Co H 26th Inf
Baysinger, James (Recruit) Rono 9-1-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 12-19-1862
Baysinger, Joseph S. (Private) Bridgeport 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 2-15-1864
Beals, Daniel W. (Private) Oil Twp Co H 23rd Inf Measles, piles & chronic diarrhea
Beals, Elias W. (1st Sergeant) Union Twp Co G 66th Inf Dislocated bones in right foot, Pittsburg, VA 5-27-1865
Bean, James T. (Chaplain) Rome 10-10-1861 28th 1st Cav. Mustered out with Regiment
Bean, William (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Beard, Andrew J. (Private) Oil Twp Co A 49th Inf Frozen feet at Matagorda Island, TX
Beard, John S. (Private) Clark Twp Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Sergeant
Beard, Moses ( Private) Clark Twp Co A 49th Inf Partial paralysis of left hip and thigh
Beard, William (Private) Adyeville 4-29-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Beck, Lewis (Private) Rona 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Begert, John (Private) Union Twp 1st Inf
Begger, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged
Belcher, Timothy ( Private) OilTwp Co E 59th Inf
Belva, John B. (Private) OilTwp Co H 53rd Inf
Bennett, Isaac (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-26-1865 drafted
Bennett, Joseph (Private) Rona 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 6-13-1865
Bensott, James S. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-23-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Billings, Thomas (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt
Billings, William (Recruit) Cannelton 8-18-1864 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-17-1865
Bishe, Philip (Recruit) Troy 10-1-1864 Co K 25th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-17-1865 substitute
Black, Henry (Private) Rome 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Killed at Bayou Rapid, LA 5-5-1864
Black, John (Corporal) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864 as Sergeant
Blake, David L. (Private) Adyeville 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Died at Memphis 9-22-1862
Blake, James M. (Sergeant) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Bliss, John A. (Corporal) Rono 9-8-1861 Co K 38th Inf Regt Veteran; killed in battle at Kenesaw, 6-17-1864
Blood, WilliamLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Blood, William (Private) Leopold 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Boger, Jacob (Corporal) Troy Twp Co A 60th Inf Gunshot wound left thigh 11-1-3-1863 in LA
Bolin, Anderson (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran, Mustered out 1-15-1866
Bolin, Francis M. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
Bolin, Sebran (Recruit) Cannelton 5-1-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 5-12-1865
Bolin, William A. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Veteran; died at Andersonville Prison of wounds
Bolton, Francis D.V, (Comm. Serg ) Rono 3-11-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 4-11-1865 As Sergerant Major
Borer, James (Private) Rono 9-18-1861 Co K 38th Inf Regt Veteran; died at Chattanooga 7-19-1864
Borer, John (Private) Union Twp Co K 25th Inf Wounded above left eye at Ft. Donallson 2-13-1862
Bosler, Gottleib (Recruit) Tell City 10-28-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 8-6-1865; substitute
Boultinghouse, Edward (Sergeant) Rome 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Boultinghouse, Francis M. (Sergear Rome 2-15-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Boultinghouse, Robert (Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th I nf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Boultinghouse, Willis (Private) Rome 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 8-15-1865 Transfto V.R.C.
Boulware, Edward H. (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inft Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Boulware, John (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nft Regt Discharged 7-28-1862 disability
Bower, Jacob (Recruit) Cannelton 12-31-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 5-10-1863 of wounds
Bower, John T. (Recruit) Perry Co 1-18-1865 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7 -21-1865; substitute
Bowman, JohnCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Discharged 16 Dec 1861; disability.
Bowman, John (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 12-16-1861 disability
Boyd, Hiram (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; killed in camp by the enemy
Boyd, Lemuel (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Boyd, Thomas (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Deserted 12-28-1862
Boyer, Peter ( Recruit) Rono 9-1-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Died at Anderson Prison 8-12-1864
Bradley, John (Recruit) Perry Co 12-3-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Bradshaw, John T. (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 1-17-1863
Brady, John S.O, (Private) Adyeville 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
Brady, Thomas (Corporal) Bridgeport 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Memphis, TN 2-29-1864
Brake, Richard (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Bramble, Oscar D. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Bray, WilliamPerry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 21 Jan 1863.
Bray, William (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1-21-1863
Breechtold, Jacob (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 26th Inf Regt Died at Meridian, MS. 8-4-1865
Briggs, John (Private) TroyTwp 2nd & 12th Inf
Brinksneader, Henry (Private) Troy Twp Co G 26th Inf Rheumatism
Brinksneader, Herman (Private) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Bristow, John J. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-11-1863
Bronsden, Henry ( Recruit) Cannelton 10-21-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 10-5-1865; substitute
Brooks, George (Corporal) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieutenant
Brown, Christopher C. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 1-10-1863
Brown, George (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Brown, George (Recruit) Perry Co 2-22-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
Brown, George H. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-17 -1864 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Brown, Squire E. (Recruit) Perry Co 8-16-1864 Co E 49th I nf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Brucker, Magnus (Asst. Surgeon) Perry Co 3-20-1862 23rd Inf Promoted to Surgeon REsigned 7-7-1864
Bruner, Elias (Sergeant) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1-16-1863
Bryant, Andrew J. (Corporal) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Bryant, George B. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-21-1864 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Bryant, Samuel (Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Bryant, William (Private) Rome 2-19-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 85-1865
Buchanan, David H. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Buchser, William (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-14-1862 disability
Buhl, Conrad (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Burket, James A. (1 st Lieut ) Perry Co 8-31-1861 Co F 26th Inf Regt Promoted to Captain, resigned 7-7-1864
Burkett, James A.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F 1st Lieutenant commissioned 9 Aug 1861; Company F Captain commissioned 13 Mar 1863; Resigned 7 Jul 1864.
Burnett, William G.Rono 8-28-1862 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Murfreesboro, TN 13 Mar 1863.
Butler, Thomas (Private) Troy 8-18-1861 Co D 25th Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieutenant
Butt, James A. (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st lnf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Butt, Leonard (Private Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st lnf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Caiton, Patrick (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Mustered out 11-4-1864
Canfield, Graham (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865, drafted
Cannon, John (Seaman) Troy Twp Marines Rheumatism in back & hips, discharged for complaint
Carmickle, Daniel M. (Private) Oil Twp Oil Twp Rifles
Carmickle, Eden (Private) Foster's Ridge 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Murfreesboro, TN 6-22-1863
Carmickle, William (Corporal) Oil Creek 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Killed at Kenesaw, 7-20-1864
Carmicle, Benjamin (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th lnf Regt Discharged 12-10-1862; disability
Carpenter, Daniel (Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865, drafted
Carr, Absolom (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged; $-22-1863 wounds
Carr, Edward (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Killed at Chicamauga 9-19-1863 Corporal
Carr, John D. (1 st Lieut. ) Oil Twp Oil Twp Rifles
Carry, Michael (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Cart, Adam S, (Sergeant) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at Muntordsville, KY 3-18-1862
Cart, William (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C.; wounds
Carter, George F. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-11-1865 Co G 53rd Inf regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Carter, Homer ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865, drafted
Carter, Mason (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Carter, William W. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Cash, D (Private) Anderson Twp
Casper, Nicholas (Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Cassidy (Cassiday), LukeLeopold 35th Ind InfMustered in as Corporal Company D on 8 Oct 1861; Commissioned Company D 2nd Lieutenant 1 May 1863. Resigned 13 March 1864 for good of service.
Cassidy, Henry ( Private) Don Juan 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 12-27-1862
Cassidy, John (Private) Don Juan 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Cassidy, Luke (Corporal) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co 0 35th Inf Regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutnant
Cassidy, Patrick (Private) Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers
Cassidy, William (Private) Anderson Twp Co D Indiana Legion
Cavenaugh, Phillip (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Killed at Camp Sterling, LA 9-25-1863
Champion, Francis A. (Corporal) Derby 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 1-15-1862 disability
Champion, James H. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-2-1863 Co K 81st Inf Regt Unassigned recruit
Champion, John F. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Murfeesboro, TN 3-16-1863
Champion, Samuel (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 11-29-1863
Chandler, Michael ( Private) Bridgeport 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Chanley, Daniel (Private) Bridgeport 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Died at St Louis 3-27-1862
Chansler, Thomas (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Cherby, GodfordTell City 26th Ind InfCompany E Recruit; Mustered in 27 Sep 1864; Mustered out 26 Sep 1865.
Chewning, Harding M.Troy 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Chewning, William T. (Corporal) Bridgeport 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Sergeant
Choat, AlvinCannelton 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Deserted 24 Feb 1864.
Choate, Hugh (Private) Leopold 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Died at Munfordsville 3-1862
Chorr, Christian (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co H 26th I nf Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865 drafted
Choulet, Francis (Private) OilTwp Indiana Legion
Christ, Abe (Pri/Sergeant) Tobin Twp Co M,L,Y 1'44th Inf Disease of lungs resulying from measles
Clark, David (Private) Clark Twp Co D 53rd Inf Chronic diarrhea
Clark, Israel (Corporal) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Clark, Jacob (Private) Troy Twp Co D 65th Inf Abcess in left side caused by fall from horse, Millersboro, KY
Clark, John W. (Private) Bridgeport 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 3-29-1865
Clark, William B. (Private) Clark Twp Co G 66th Inf
Claycomb, Joseph W (Gunboat Pile Tobin Loss of hearing ahile piloting on Red River and others
Clements, Patrick H. (Private) Bridgeport 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Memphis, TN 4-9-1863
Clodel, Joseph T. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out as absent, sick
Clouston, John (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Clutinger, Peter (Orderly Sergo ) OilTwp Oil Twp Rifles
Cockrell, Ancel (Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Cockrell, John D. (Private) Tobin Twp Co D 1st Inf Chronic diarrhea Arkansas swamps 1863
Cody, James (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Cole, Samuel N. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Collignon, Joseph (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-18-1864; absent sick
Collins, Dennis (Seaman) Troy Twp Rheumatism contracted at Arkansas Post on White River 1862
Collins, Judson (Private) Anderson Twp Co B 146th Inf Contracted a liver complaint and bronchitia
Combs, Absolom (Wagoner) Bridgeport 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Combs, Thomas J. (Corporal) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 4-18-1863
Combs, William (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Capt'd Chicamauga; died Andersonville Prison
Comstock, George (Private) Clark Twp Home Guards
Comstock, William (Private) Troy Twp Co E 49th Inf Chronic diarrhea, died in Spencer Co. 8-18-1863
Conklin, Cyrus (Private) Derby 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Mound City, IL 8-15-1863
Conner, AlbertRockport 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Veteran; Mustered out 15 Jan 1866.
Conner, AlvaRockport 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Veteran; Mustered out 11 Jan 1866.
Conner, Francis M.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Died at Tipton, MO 2 Feb 1862.
Conner, Francis M. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Tipton, MO 2-2-1862
Connor, Davis L. (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 11-20-1863
Connor, John T. (Corporal) Rome 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864 as Sergeant Major
Connor, Louis Jr. (Private) Tobin Twp IN Inf
Connor, Samuel Tobin Twp Irregular service
Connor, Thomas O. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 10-27-1863 wounds
Conrad, William (Private) Union Twp Co K 38th Inf Shot in mouth in GA 1864
Cook, Anderson (Private) Clark Twp Co D 66th Inf Eyesight
Cook, John (Private) OilTwp Co C 23rd Inf Ulcer on left ankle
Cooper, Gabriel (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieuteant
Cooper, John A. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-8-1865 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865 substitute
Corbet, Jacob (Private) Oil Twp
Cornelius, William H. (Captain) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Commision revoked
Cotton, Eugene (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at New Albany 12-19-1862
Cotton, Milton (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Courcier., Theodore (Corporal) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 3-4-1864
Cox, Charles (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 8-19-1863
Cox, E. William (Private) Clark Twp Co A 49th Inf
Cox, James (Recruit) Troy 11-19-1864 Co I 31st Inf Regt Died at Vicksburg 7-6-1865
Cox. E. William ( Private) Clark Twp Co A 49th Inf
Cravens, George (Private) OilTwp Co E 25th Inf Total blindness from smallpox, Memphis, TN March 1863
Creason, Elias O. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Died of wounds recieved in action
Creason, Green (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Crensen, William Jr. (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co K 49th I nf Regt Deserted 7-18-1862
Criss, Simpson (Recruit) Perry Co 12-16-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-6-1865 drafted
Crist, John (Private) Rome 3-6-1862 Co C 53rd Inf Regt Veteran mustered out 6-10-1865
Crist, John (Private) Rome 3-6-1862 Co C 53rd Inf Regt Veteran mustered out 6-10-1865
Crist, Lewis M (2nd Lieut. ) Anderson Twp Co C 53rd Inf Injured Jan & Feb 1865 in NC and SC
Crocker, George B. (Private) Troy 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 10-18-1863
Cronin, Simpson (Corporal) Anderson Twp
Crum, August ( 1 st Sergeant) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Cullen, Peter (Able Seaman) Troy Twp
Cummings, James J. (Private Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 10-18-1863
Cummings, Thomas T. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1863
Cummings, Titus ( 1st Lieut) Perry Co 8-29-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Resigned 7-9-1864 disability
Curry, William (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at Nashville 1862
Cutler, Edward B. (Captain) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Resigned 7-1-1863
Cutler, James M. (Corporal) Troy 1-27-1865 Co L 13th Cav Regt Died at Huntsville, AI 6-11-1864
Dale, Edward (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Daming, Henry Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers
Danielson, James N. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-17-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Darling, Edgar A. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865, substitute
Darn, Charles T. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at New Orleans 11-21-1863
Daudle, William H.L. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out as Corporal 7-21-1865
Daugherty, John W. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865, drafted
Davis, George W. (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inft Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Davis, Joseph Anderson Twp Co D 125th Inf
Davis, Scott ( Private) Anderson Twp Co H 6th Inf Wounded Battle of Shiloh 1862 right thumb, POW in 1863
De La Hunt, Thomas J. (2nd Lieut) Perry Co 8-9-1861 26th Inf Promoted to Adjutant, resigned 5-30-1862
Dean, Charles (Private) Rono 9-18-1861 Co K 38th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 6-20-1865
Dean, John H. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Dean, William H. (Sergeant) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Deeds, Joshua ( Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf regt
Deen, James (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Georgetown, MO 9-30-1861
Deen, John H (1 st Lieut ) OilTwp Co G 53rd Inf
Deen, John R. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Must'd out 8-30-1864 ( supposed to be dead)
Deen, Richard Z. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Left Sick at Mountain View, MO 11-13-1861
Deen, William (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 1-30-1864 disability
Deen, William H. (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Dehringer, Thomas (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
DeLa Hunt, Thomas J.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F 2nd Lieutenant commissioned 9 Aug 1861; Regiment Adjutant, commissioned 1 Jul 1862; Resigned 30 May 1862??
Delvan, Jacob (Recruit) Perry Co 10-21-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Dendinger, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 8-19-1861 Co D 25th I nf Regt Mustered out 7-17-1865
Dentinger, John Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 815t Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Deom, Joseph (Private) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Dever, Hiram (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Tipton, MO 2-28-1862
Devers, Henry T. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Tipton, MO 1-4-1862
Devers, HiramCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Died at Tipton, MO 28 Feb 1862.
Devers, Robert ( Private) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co K 49th I nf Regt Veteran, Mustered out 9-13-1865
Deville, Eugene ( Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Deville, Henry (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865 as Corporal
Dewees, Benjamin F. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; died of wounds received in action
Dewyear, John L. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-23-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865, drafted
Dick, Charles (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Died of wounds received in action
Didier, Theodore (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at CampEmerson, IN 10-21-1862
Dietrich, Edward (Sergeant) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 8-14-1862 disability
Dodd, Joseph (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1863
Dodd, William (Corporal) Derby 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Dodson, John W. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-2-1863 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Unassigned recruit
Doerfer, Jean (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to V. R. C. 5-1-1863, must'd out 2-18-1865
Dome, David C. (P/Asst Surg ) Union Twp Co C 17th Inf Accidental ear damage near Pittsburg Landing 4-15-1862
Dome, Elijah (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Killed at Kenesaw 6-22-1864
Donald, James (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Veteran; transferred to V.R.C.
Donnelly, Felix (Recruit) Perry Co Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
Donnelly, John (2nd Lieut ) Cannelton 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Vlade 1st Lieut. 4-10-1862, Captain 8-1-1863 disc. 7-18-65 disab
Donnelly, William (Corporal) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 6-23-1865
Doolittle, Henry B. (Corporal) OilTwp CoH 81stlnf Measles settled in back, Nashville, TN Dec 1862
Dorn, Charles T. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at New Orleans 11-21-1863
Dottson, John W. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Perryville, KY 10-7-1862
Dowees, Thomas (Recruit) Perry Co 1-7-1864 Co G 53r Inf Regt Died of wounds received in action
Drinkwater, Jesse (Private) Tobin Twp Irregular service
Ducat, Eugene (Recruit) Perry Co Co 0 35th Inf Regt Missing at Kenesaw, mustered out 9-30-1865
Ducut, Donat (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co 0 35th Inf Regt Killed at Kenesaw 6-20-1864
Dugan, Thomas J. (2nd Lieut.) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865 as 1 st Sergeant
Dunbar, Willis (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran; mustered out 1-15-1866 as corportal
Dunn, George V. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Dunn, John (Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Dunn, John P. (Captain) Cannelton 9-9-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Discharged 4-11-1863
Dupargue, Joseph (Private Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Dupont, Alphens (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Dupont, August (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Dupont, Hubert (Private) Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers
Duvall, Lorenzo G. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 9-7-1863
Dyer, George (Private) Clark Twp Co E 49th Inf Spine, spleen and lungs contracted winter of 1864 & 1865
Earles, Andrew J. (Bugler) Rome 1-27-1864 CoL 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Eastridge, William (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865. substitute
Efford, Wilson (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Eicher, Lucas (Private) Perry Co 2-1-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Eichling, Daniel (Private) Troy Twp Co E 91st Inf
Eiehleman, Albert (Private) Perry Co 12-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Elder, Francis F. (Musician) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville 12-13-1862
Elder, John (Private) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Veteran; killed at Kenesaw 6-20-1864
Elder, John H. (Recruit) Rona 9-1-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Elder, Sylvester ( Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Elder, William H. (2nd Lieut ) Perry Co 8-18-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Resigned 1-19-1863
Elder, William T. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Elfreich, Charles (Private) Troy Twp Co B 9th Inf
Ellis, Franklin (Corporal) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Ellis, Joseph (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; musteres out 9-13-1865
Endow, Samuel (Private) Clark Twp Politer
Epple, Stephen (Private) Anderson Twp Co B 42nd Inf
Eries, Andrew (Bugler) Tobin Twp Co L 13th Inf Boil which became running sore caused diseased hip
Erne, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died on Hospital Steamer DA January 6-17-1863
Ernest, George G. (Private) Tell City 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Esarey, Jacob (Sergeant) OilTwp Indiana Legion Measles and cold causing general disability 1862
Esarey, James ( Private) OilTwp Indiana Legion
Esarey, Jonathon ( Private) OilTwp IN State Militia
Eseray, Isaiah (Recruit) Perry Co 3-24-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Eseray, John C. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865
Evans, Hiram (1 st Lieut ) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf Regt Resigned 8-1864
Evans, John (Corporal) Tobin Twp Co H 1st Inf Contracted piles
Ewing, John ( Private) OilTwp Perry Co Mount Scouts
Ewing, William H. (Corporal) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran deserted 11-14-1865
Falbe, Herman (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Farley, Michael (Private) OilTwp IN State Militia
Farmer, Aaron (Private) Union Twp
Farmer, Eli (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Farmer, Henry (Private) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Killed, Stone River 1-2-1863
Farmer, John (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 812st Inf Regt Died at Louisville, KY 11-25-1862
Farrell, John (Comm. Sergeant) Cannelton 8-19-1861 1 st Cav 28th Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieut Co A
Farris, John B.Huntingburg 26th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Veteran, Mustered out 15 Jan 1866 as 1st Sergeant.
Farris, William R. (Private) Anderson Twp Indiana Legion
Faulkenbergh, Isaac (Private) OilTwp IN State Militia
Faulkenborough William ( Private) OilTwp Indiana Legion
Faulkenborough, Litteton (Ord Serg OilTwp IN State Militia
Fell, Daniel ( Private) Troy 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 2-10-1864 disability
Fell, John (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1-1862
Fener, James ( Recruit) Rono 3-11-1864 Co K 38th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-15-1865
Ferderick, Henry (Recruit) Perry Co 9-23-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Ferris, Christian (Private) OilTwp IN State Militia
Figgins, Daniel (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 12-22-1862
Finch, John C. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-8-1863
Finnin, John (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out as Corporal 7-21-1865
Fisher, Thomas S. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-12-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Fitzpatrick, Michael (1 st Sergeant) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Flanegan, Edward ( Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Discharged; accidental wounds
Fleet, Aloi (Recruit) Perry Co 4-8-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Flerehinger,Peter (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Fluck, Deeneter ( Recruit) Tell City 9-27-1864 Co I 42nd Inf Regt Mustered out 6-18-1865 drafte4d
Fogarty, John (Recruit) Cannelton 4-8-1861 Co A ist Cav. 28th Reg1 Mustered out 6-22-1865
Forbs, Abraham I. (Corporal) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Forbs, Samuel (Musician) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Foster, Henry ( Recruit) Troy 10-4-1864 Co K 38th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-15-1865 SUbstitute
Foster, Hiram (Private) Clark Twp Volitger
Foster, Lewis K. (Corporal) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Fowler, James (Corporal) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Fox, George ( Recruit) Troy 11-15-1863 Co I 31 st Inf Regt Mustered out 12-8-1865 drafted
Frahley, Hartman (Private) Troy Twp Co I 66th Inf
Frakes, Grayson (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Frakes, John (Corporal) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 12-17-1862
Frakes, John S. (Sergeant) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Frakes, Thomas S. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. mustered out 7-18-1865
Francis, Henry (Private) Oil Twp Co F 23rd Inf
Francis, John P. (Private) Oil Twp Oil Twp Rifles
Frank, Andy J (Orderly Sergo ) Tobin Twp IN Inf
Frank, Martin (Private) Tobin Twp Tobin Twp Guards
Frazier, Willis (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran; Mustered out 1-15-1866
Frey, Joseph ( Private) Anderson Twp Co J 9th Inf
Fride, Joseph (Recruit) Leopold 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Fritz, George ( Private) Perry Co 10-22-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 11-12-1864 disability
Frulner, John (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 12-19-1862 disability
Fuchs, Thomas (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 9-1-1862 disability
Fulkerson, Daniel (Private) Troy Twp Co B 53rd Inf Gunshot wound in right hand, Battle of Chickamauga
Fultz, George W. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-17-1864 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; su bstitute
Fultz, William H. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-13-1865 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Gage, Willard M. (Musician) Troy 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Gaily, BenjaminDerby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Killed at Kenesaw 20 Jun 1864.
Gaily, Benjamin (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Killed at Kenesaw 6-29-1864
Gaily, Lewis (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Gallenkamp, Charles ( Private) Perry Co 12-22-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Deserted 11-16-1862
Gallgan, Charles (Private) Troy Twp Co B 53rd Inf
Galliger, Daniel (Private) Cannelton 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Discharged 1-6-1865
Garberding, Charles (Private) Tell City 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Discharged 2-16-1863
Gardner, James A. (Corporal) Rome 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Promoted to Captain
Garrison, Thomas I. (Corporal) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt
Gasser, John (Private) Troy 8-19-1861 Co D 25th I nf Regt Mustered out 8-19-1864
Gasser, Theobolt ( Recruit) Troy 9-27-1864 Co H 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865 drafted
Gatchel, David (Sergeant) Anderson Twp Co F 4th Inf Injured at Kennesaw Bluff, April 1863
Gates, Fidel (Private) Bridgeport Co G 93rd Inf Regt Discharged 1-6-1863
Gebert, Wilhelm (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at St Louis from wounds 1-29-1863
Gebhard, George (Private) Anderson Twp Co J 31st Inf Gunshot at Nashville, TN 12-15-1864
Gedden, David (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 1-30-1863
Geer, William (Private) Clark Twp Co F 91st & 128th Inf Disease of lungs contracted at Cumberland Gap April 1864
Geiper, Alexander (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out -21-1865
Gelarden, Adolph (Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia
George, JohnLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Corporal, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 5 Nov 1864
George, John (1st Sergeant) Leopold Twp Co D 95th Inf
George, Peter ( Private) Leoplod 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 6-5-1865
Gephart, George W. (Recruit) Troy 11-16-1864 Co I 31st Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1865 drafted
Gerberding, Charles (Private) Tell City 8-30-1861 Co G 26th Inf Regt Discharged 2-16-1863
Gerth, William Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Gesser, Peter ( Private) Troy Twp Co C 53rd Inf
Geyer, John (Corporal) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Gible, Henry (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out as Corporal 7-21-1865
Gibson, John (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 5-12-1865
Gibson, Wilinson (Private) Oil Twp Co G 53rd Inf Injured in left hip & back while destroying railroads
Gijr, August ( Private) Perry Co) 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died on Hospital Steamerfrom wounds 4-21-1863
Gijr, August ( Private) Perry Co) 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died on Hospital Steamerfrom wounds 4-21-1863
Gilham, William C. (Private) Foster's Ridge 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Lagrange, TN 3-1-1863
Gillis, Paul (Drafted) Perry Co 9-27-1861 Co B 9th Inf. Regt Mustered out 6-21-1865
Gillman, Louis (Sergeant) Troy Twp Co F 23rd Inf
Gladden, Joseph W. (Recruit) Perry Co 11-5-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Glenn, Hiram (Private) Derby 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Goatley, John (Corporal) Troy Twp Co D 1st Inf Died in service in Arkansas
Goatley, William W.C. ( Saddler) Derby 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 5-24-1865
Goble, Lewis (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C.
Goble, William (Private) Bridgeport 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Goffinet, Adolph (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd nf Regt Deserted 3-13-1863
Goffinet, Jerome (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Deserted 3-13-1863
Goldman, John R. (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Goldsmith, John (Private) Perry Co 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Deserted 10-20-1864
Goodrich, John W. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-10-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Gordon, George (Corporal) Perry Co 2-24-1852 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Gortter, Frank Clark Twp Home Guards Gunshot wound Hamilton, Co. OH 1862
Gottschalk, Theodore ( Private) Tobin Twp Co E 11th Inf Injured shin bone 5-1-1863, chin broke June 1863 at Vicksburg
Grabhorn, Henry ( Private) Troy Twp Co A 79th Inf
Grady, James A. (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1 0-1862
Graf, Henry (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at St Louis from wounds 9-15-1865
Graham, Jehu (Private) Perry Co 8-30-1861 Co G 26th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 1-11-1866
Graham, John (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran; mustered out 1-11-1866
Grant, John W. (Private) Union Twp Co H 23rd Inf Affliction of back at Memphis, TN
Graves, John (Private) Perry Co 1-16-1865 Co D 35th I nf Regt Mustered out 9-30-1865 substitute
Gray, James M. (Private) Bridgeport 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Died at Hamburg, TN 5-26-1862
Gray, James W. (Corporal) Cannelton Co F 26th Inft Regt Died 10-11-1863 from wounds
Gray, Robert P. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-5-1865; drafted
Green, Nicholas E. (Corporal) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1-12-1864
Green, Stephen N. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Gregg, Alvin ( Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 2-17-1864
Gregory, James (Corporal) Perry Co 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Griffith, Lewis (Private Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Groves, Samuel T. (Private) Rome 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 4-1-1862
Grusz, Nicolaus (Private) Troy Twp Co D 32nd Inf Gunshot
Gunn, Columbus (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at St Louis 10-20-1861
Gunterman, John (Private) Oil Twp Indiana Legion
Gwartney, Anthony (Sergeant) Adyeville 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Dropped from the rolls 8-18-1862
Gwartney, Antony (Recruit) Perry Co 3-9-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-30-1865
Gyr, August ( Private Troy Twp Co A 1st Inf
Hahus, Charles ( Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Haines Andrew B. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt
Hall, Daniel S. (Corporal) Bridgeport 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Discharged 1-18-1863
Hall, Martin V. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Wounded in right middle finger 3-28-1863; left thigh 12-15-1864
Hall, Thomas J. (Recruit) Derby 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died 6-21-1865
Hall, William R. (Private) Rona 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Hallam, Peter (Private) Troy Twp Co A 12th Inf
Ham, James N. (Private) Rona 9-18-1861 Co K 38th Inf Regt Veteran; must'd out 7-15-1865 as Sergeant
Ham, John (Recruit) Perry Co 11-14-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Ham, William (Recruit) Rono 2-17-1864 Co K 38th I nf Regt Mustered out 7-15-1865
Hammock, Franklin (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Hammock, Henry H. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Hammock, Thomas (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 48th I nf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Hammond, Elias (Private) Foster's Ridge 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Vicksburg MS 10-9-1863
Hammond, William (Private) Foster's Ridge 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died of wounds rec'd, rebel prison 9-3-1864
Haney, Abraham (Recruit) Perry Co 9-26-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-19-1865 drafted
Haney, John (Recruit) Perry Co 9-28-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 6-22-1865 drafted
Hannan, Martin (Private) Oil Twp Home Guard
Harberville, J.J. (Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Hard, John (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Harding, Daniel (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 5-1-1863
Harding, Nathaniel (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Murfreesboro, TN 4-21-1863
Harding, William H. (Private) Derby 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865 as Corporal
Hardwick, Conrad ( Private) Clark Twp Co D 18th Inf
Hargis, Henry (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Discharged; wounds recieved at Stone River
Hargis, Henry (Recruit) Perry Co 9-20-1864 Go G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865 drafted
Hargis, John H. (Sergeant) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Promoted to 1st Lieutenant
Harlan, Green (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Killed at Chicamauga 9-19-1863
Harlen, Henry H. (Private) Leoipold 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Harp, Burgess (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Died at Louisville, KY 1-4-1863
Harp, Charles H. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Harp, Isaac (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Louisville, KY 1-31-1863
Harp, James ( Recruit) Perry Co 8-27-1864 Co K 81st Inf Regt
Harp, Joseph A. (Sergeant) Oil Twp Indiana Legion
Harp, Zachariah (Private) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Harrig, Franz ( Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Harris, Thomas ( 1/4 Master Sergea Perry Co 8-20-1861 1st Cav 28th Regt
Harrison, William ( Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Harth, John (Private) Anderson Twp Co A 60th Inf Injured June 1863 while shoeing a mule near Greenville, KY
Harton, Peter (Captain) Union Twp Union Guard
Harvey, Tnomas (Private) Oil Twp Co E 49th Inf
Haskins, William (Private) Oil Twp Co E 39th Inf
Hass, Lorenz (Recruit) Perry Co 6-1-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Trsnsferred to 26th Regt
Hatfield, Andrew J. (2nd Lieut) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieut. Resigned 4-14-1863
Hauenstein, Jacob (Private) Troy Co K 17th Inf
Hauser, Emil (Musician) Perry Co 12-3-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 6-17-1862 disability
Hauser, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 12-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 12-2-1861 disability
Haven, James R. (Musician) Bristow 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 8-18-1863
Havens, Clark T (Musician) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Havens, John B.F. (Musician) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Prin. Musician
Hawkins, Jefferson (Lieutenant) Tobin Twp Tobin's Guards
Hayes, Edward (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 12-28-1962 from w'd rec'd Chicksaw Bayou
Hayes, Jacob W. (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Heath, William (Sergeant) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Heidenrich, Jno N. (Private) Perry Co 10-22-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 5-21-1862 disability
Hempfling, John (Recruit) Cannelton 8-4-1865 Co K 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-3-1865
Hemphill, Austin (Private) Cannelton 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Hemphill, George (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Hemphling, John (Private) Anderson Twp Co K 49th Inf Chronic diarrhea
Henderson, James (Private) Troy 8-30-12861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 8-18-1862
Hendrickson, Willian (Recruit) Perry Co 8-20-1864 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-4-1865
Henry, James T. (Musician) Derby 108-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Vet.; mustered out 9-30-1865 Prin. Musician
Hensley, Edward (Recruit) Eddyville 9-27-1864 Co F 26th I nft Regt Died 5-20-1865; drafted
Hensley, George W. (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Hess, August ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-14-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at Vicksburg, MS 8-18-1863
Hess, Charles (Corporal) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt
Hess, Dewald (Private) Clark Twp Co I toth Inf Permanent injury to right foot July 1863, Morgan's Raiders
Hess, Philip (Private) Anderson Twp Co C 25th Inf Rheumatism and heart disease
Hicks, Jasper ( Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Discharged 2-1-1864
Hicks, John L. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Hicks, Lafayette (Recruit) Cannelton 8-24-1864 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-17-1865
Hicks, Milton (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Hide, Samuel (Private) Perry Co 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865 as Sergeant
Hierbalzer, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt
Highfill, Thomas (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Hill, Benjamin F. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-6-1865 Co G 53rd lnf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Hill, Robert Clark Twp IN State Militia
Hills, Moses M. Clark Twp Co F 53rd Inf Pneumonia and dropsy
Hinton, Charles (Private) Troy Twp 15t Inf Died in service at Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Hinton, George (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 815t Inf Regt Wounded & missing; Chickamauga 9-19-1863
Hinton, Hiram (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Discharged 3-17-1863; disability
Hix, Alonzo Private) Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers Injured by horse falling on him in service
Hix, Daniel R. (Private) Anderson Twp Indiana Legion
Hix, Dr. W.H. (Private) Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers
Hix, I.H. Private) Anderson Twp Anderson Twp Guards
Hix, James (Private) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Hix, Louis ( 1 st Corporal) Anderson Twp Indiana Legion
Hix, Louis ( Private) Lilly Dale 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Hix, Marion (1st Sergeant) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Hix, William (Sergeant) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as 1st Sergeant
Hobbs, Nathan Clark Twp Hickory Rangers
Hobbs, Thomas Clark Twp Hickory Rangers Crippled foot by horse stepping on it
Hobbs, William R. (Private) Aydeville 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 12-30-1863
Hobi, John (Corporal) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 6-28-1862 disability
Hoepple, George (Private) Troy Twp Co G 26th Inf Veins busted in right leg while in service
Holley, William H. (Private) Oil Twp Co E 49th Inf
Hollingsworth, Robert ( Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Hospital Steward
Hollingsworth, Thomas (Corporal) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 5-26-1865
Holman, John (Private) Oil Twp Oil Twp Rifles
Holzer, Nicholas (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Homer, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 12-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Honel, Jasper ( Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Hoschett, John (2nd Lieut. ) Perry Co Co 0 35th Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st ieut 6-1-1865, Captain 7-3-1865
Houser, Adam H. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-19-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Howard, Daniel (Private) Troy 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Howe, John Clark Twp IN State Militia
Howel, John (Private) Rome 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Howell, Phillip ( Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf REgt Discharged 1-8-1865
Hubbs, David R. (1 st Sergeant) Cannelton 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Discharged 3-5-1863
Hubbs, Isaac C. (Sergeant) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 2-2-1864 as Private
Hubert, John T. (Private) Leopold 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Discharged 1862 disability
Huchinson, Hezekiah (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out as Corporal 7-21-1865
Huckeby, John L.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K 2nd Lieutenant commissioned 30 Jan 1863; Company K 1st Lieutenant commissioned 18 Jun 1863; Company K Captain commissioned 23 Nov 1864; Mustered out with Regiment.
Huckeby, John L. (Sergeant) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Huckeby, Robert T. (Recruit) Rome Co C 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865
Hudson, Samuel H. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Huff, Aquilla (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out as Corporal 7-21-1865
Huffman, John A. (Sergeant) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Hughes, Edward (Sergeant) TroyTwp Co A 12th Inf
Humphrey, Hedin (Recruit) Perry Co 2-24-1865 Co E 49th I nf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Humphrey, Malvin (Private) Oil Twp C F 144th Inf
Hunter, James (Private) Clark Twp Home Guards
Hunter, James B. (Hospital Stewarc Perry Co 3-11-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Promoted to Assistant Surgeon
Hunter, James R. (Private) Bridgeport 8-287-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Died at Lagrange, TN 1-22-1863
Hunter, KA (Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Hunter, Winfield (Private) Adyeville 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cay Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Hurst, George (Private) TroyTwp Co C 42nd Inf Piles & general disability
Hurst, James B. (Private) Troy 1-27-1865 Co L 13th Cay Regt Mustered out 8-8-1865
Hurst, Levi S. (2nd Lieut ) Perry Co 4-29-1864 13th Cay 131 Regt Resigned 8-23-1864
Hutchinson, Isaac (Private) Clark Twp Co G 10th Inf Disease of back caused by shoeing mule while in service
Hutchinson, James D. (Private) Anderson Twp CoA Contracted epilepsy
Hyde, George K. (2nd Sergeant) Tobin Twp Tobin Twp Guards
Hyde, Ira (2nd Lieut ) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co F 49th Inf Regt Resigned 2-25-1862
Hyde, Samuel (NCO) TroyTwp Co L 131st Inf Piles
Ingle, William F. (Recruit) Foster's Ridge 10-11-1864 Co K 38th I nfd Regt Mustered out 6-29-1865, drafted
Ism inger, Elmer (Private) Troy Twp Co K 4th Inf Frozen feet
Jackson, James (Private) Derby 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cay Regt Died at Nashville, TN 1-18-1865
Jackson, JohnPerry co. 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Killed at Marrietta, GA 4 Jul 1864.
Jackson, John (Corporal) Clark Twp Co E 91st Inf Sunstroke & wounded in right arm 7-1-1864 Morgan Field, GA
Jackson, John (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Killed, Marietta, GA 7-4-1864
Jackson, Levi (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Discharged 1-17-1865
Jackson,Charles W. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Vicksburg, 8-10-1863
James John J. (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Markham's Plantation 8-16-1863
James, Amable (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd inf Regt Died At Florence, S.C. 11-4-1864
James, August ( Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-20-1863
James, August ( Private) Leopold Twp Co D 95th Inf
James, George (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; killed in action at Atlanta, GA. 7-22-1864
James, John (Recruit) Perry Co 9-4-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Transferred to Co A 26th Regt
James, John K. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Jarboe, James ( Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out; absent, sick
Jarboe, John T. ( Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at New Orleans 10-9-1863 from wounds
Jarboe, RichardLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died at McMinnville, TN 15 May 1863.
Jarboe, Richard (Private) Leopold 10-18-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at McMinnville, TN 5-47-1863
Jarboe, William (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-18-1865 as Corporal
Jarboe, William T. (Private) Derby 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Jarice, Richard (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Died; McMinnville, TN 5-15-1863
Jauplin, Jacob (Sergeant) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 11-23-1862 disability
Jauplin, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 12-24-1861 Co A 60th Inf regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Jeffers, Isaac (Private) Anderson Twp Co B 44th Inf
Jeffers, Joesph (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt
Jeffers, Samuel B. (Private) Clark Twp Co B 44th Inf Enlargement of the testes
Jeffers, Wallace (Private) Clark Twp Co G 49th Inf Varicose veins in both legs 5-15-1864, Red River
Jenkins, William (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Int Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Jewell, James (Private) Cannelton 9-20-1861 Co I 31st Int Regt Veteran; mustered out 12-8-1865 as Corporal
Johann, Herman (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Int Regt Veteran; mustered out as Sergeant 7-21-1865
Johannessen, Michael (Drafted) Perry Co 9-27-1861 Co B 9th Int Regt Mustered out 6-21-1965
John, Charles (Recruit) Perry Co 4-4-1865 Co G 53rd Int Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Johnson, Allen (Private) OilTwp Co H 49th Int Disease of th feet
Johnson, HarveyCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Captain commissioned 9 Aug 1861; Regiment Major commissioned 13 Mar 1863; Resigned.
Johnson, Harvey (Captain) Perry Co 8-31-1861 Co F 26th Int Regt Promoted to Major
Johnson, JamesLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Discharged Sept 1862, disability.
Johnson, James ( Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nt Regt Discharged 9-1862 disability
Johnson, James L. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co G 26th Int Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Johnson, Joseph E. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 9-15-1863
Johnson, Samuel (Musician) Cannelton 8-30--1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out
Johnson, William T. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Int Regt Died at Nashville, TN 12-19-1862
Johnston, Samuel (Captain) Troy Twp Co H 49th Int Breast disease
Jones, George W. (Private) Anderson Twp Co G 25th Inf Gunshot left leg 1861
Jones, James S. (Sergeant) Clark Twp Co G 19th Inf Chronic diarrhea
Jordon, Edward F. (Corporal) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Jordon, William A. (1st Sergeant) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Judah, John (Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Judge, William Sr. (Private) OilTwp Indiana Legion
Juengst, Henry (Private) Troy Twp Co G 26th Int Broken left leg Mobile, AL
Kaid, William H. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at New Orleans 2-6-1864
Kanasam, Christopher ( Private) OilTwp Co K 38th Int Struck in right eye by shell 12-13-1862 Murfreesboro, TN
Kaufmann, Emil (Private) Troy Twp Co G 26th Inf
Keifer, Theodore (Private) Troy Twp Co A 60th Inf Chronic sickness during service by infirmation
Keifner, George (Corporal) Anderson Twp Co A 60th Inf Gunshot on Red River 4-8-1864 Mansfield, LA
Keilman, Jacob (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Keiser, Ernst ( Private) Troy Twp Co A 23rd Inf Gunshot wounds in different parts of body
Kellems, Asa ( Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Murfreesboro, TN 3-21-1863
Kellems, Daniel H. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died At Nashville, TN 10-1-1864
Kellems, James Perry Co Co H 23rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-23-1865 as 1st Sergeant
Kellems, JohnDerby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 10 Jan 1865.
Kellems, John (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 1-19-1865
Kellems, Martin (Private) Perry Co 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Died at Columbia SC in Prison 10-28-1864
Keller, Daniel ( Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-31-1865
Keller, Jacob (Sergeant) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 4-13-1865
Kelly, Jacob (Recruit) Rono 9-1-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Discharged 1-15-1863
Kelly, John (Private) Oil Twp Co G 69th Inf
Kelly, William (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 11-29-1862
Kendall, William (Private) Clark Twp Co E 22nd Inf
Kenny, WilliamLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Wagoner, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Dropped from rolls 18 Aug 1862
Kenny, William (Wagoner) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Dropped from the rolls 8-18-1862
Kepler, Abraham (Recruit) Perry Co 9-26-1864 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Kernebeck, Herman (Private) Cannelton 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865 as Corporal
Kimbel, George H. (Corporal) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at St Louis 2-4-1862
Kinder, David (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Kindler, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 11-12-1864 disability
Kindlischbacher, Chris (Musician) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 5-15-1862 disability
King, AnthonyLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
King, Anthony ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-2-1863 Co K 81st Inf Regt Unassigned recruit
King, Anthony (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
King, Daniel (Private) Perry Co 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
King, Henry (Private) Oil Twp Co H 23rd Inf Injured left foot at Paducah, KY
King, John (Private) Oil Twp Co K 38th Inf Gunshot wound left leg 5-27-1864near Alatoona Mtns. GA
King, John H. (Private) Foster's Ridge 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Kingsly, David (Sergeant) Tobin Twp Co I 144th Inf Disease of right testicle 3-20-1865, Stephens Station VA
Kipp, Ernest (2nd Lieut ) Tell City 11-1-181 60th Regt Resigned 11-30-1862
Kipp, Wesley (2nd Lieut ) Perry Co 11-1-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Resigned 11-30-1862
Kirk, Wesley (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 10-23-1863
Kissling, George (Private) Oil Twp IN Stater Militia
Kitterman, Benjamin (Private) Clark Twp Co B 146th Inf
Kitterman, David (Private) Adyeville 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Kitterman, George W. (Private) Adyeville 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Verteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Kleigel, Theodore (Private) Rome 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Drowned at Young's Point 2-9-1863
Knobloch, Henry (Private) Tobin Twp Mountain Wildcat
Knoop, Charles (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 11-1-1862 disability
Knoop, Ferdinand (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Koch, John (Private) Oil Twp Co C 23rd Inf
Koch, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 11-3-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865 as Corporal
Kold, Henry L. (Recruit) Cannelton 9-22-1864 Co H 25th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-10-1865 drafted
Konold (Knold), MelchoirLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Corporal in 8 Oct 1861 Muster; Commissioned Company D 2nd Lieutenant 3 Dec 1861; Commissioned Company D 1st Lieutenant 15 Apr 1864; Commissioned Company D Captain 1 Oct 1864. Resigned 6 Dec 1864 as Company D 1st Lieutenant.
Konold, Melchior (Corporal) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co 0 35th Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieutenant
Koons, Benedict (Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865
Krabhorn, Henry (Private) TroyTwp Co A 79th Inf
Kraft, John (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to 11th U.S. Inf 12-1-1862
Kratzer, Stephen (Private) Troy Twp Co D 25th Inf Gunshot in left thigh and left testicle
Krausch, John D. (2st Lieut. ) Tobin Twp ist Inf Partial loss of hearing
Kreamer, Joseph (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran; Mustered out 1-15-1866
Krieg, George ( Private) Anderson Twp 6th Battery IN Light Art
Krouse, Joseph (Private) Troy 8-19-1861 Co D 25th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-19-1864
Kunz, Ben ( Private) Troy Twp 26th Inf Deafness by exposure
Kyler, William ( 1st Lieut ) Tobin Twp 144th Inf
Kyler, William H. (2nd Lieut. ) Perry Co 3-1-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-3-1865
Lake, Andrew ( Private) Oil Twp Co G 66th Inf Piles and chronic diarrhea
Lake, Charles W. (Private Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Covington, KY 1-21-1865
Lamb, Wm R. (Private) Troy Twp Co G 4th Inf Throat trouble
Lamb, Wm S. (Major) Troy Twp U.S. Army Was paymaster
Lambert, Cyrenus (Recruit) Leopold 9-24-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 6-22-1865 drafted
Lance, Henry (Private) Union Twp Co B 38th Inf Wounded in right shoulder & arm, Perryville, KY 10-8-1862
Land, Isaac (Private) ?Union Twp Co G 66th Inf Chronic rheumatism
Land, James G. (Captain) Oil Twp Co K 38th Inf Struck in breast with shell
Land, Marshall (1 st Sergeant) Oil Twp Co C 17th Inf
Landers, George W. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Lang, John W. (Private) Troy 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Langdon, Daniel (Corporal) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at Nashville 11-27-1862
Lanman, Elias (Corporal) Adyeville 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 25-1863
Lanman, Francis M. Clark Twp Co H 42nd Inf
Lanman, James (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Discharged 4-17-1863; disability
Lanman, James H.Perry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 8 Mar 1863.
Lanman, James H. (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-8-1863
Lanman, John (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Lanman, John C. (1 st Sergeant) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Lanman, William (Private) Adyeville 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Larence, Soloman (Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia Died 10-10-1871
Laroe, Richmond D. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Lasher, Abraham (Aide to Col Forry Clark TwpIN State Militia
Lasher, James B. (Private) Clark Twp I N State Militia
Laswell, John (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Latimore, Nimrod (Corporal) Troy Twp Co E 60th Inf Diseased lungs
Laufhlin, William (Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Lawalin, Thomas ( Private) Anderson Twp Co F 26th Inf
Lawallin, John (Corporal) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Lawrence, Adam (Private) Anderson Twp IN State Militia
Lawrence, Robert (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 12-25-1862
Lay, George H. (Private) Rome Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Layman, Wesley ( Private) Troy Twp Co B 146th Inf Chronic disease of liver, hepatitis
Leaf, Jacob M. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran: mustered out 1-11-1866
Leaf, Lewis H. (Recruit) Cannelton 10-13-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 10-12-1865; substitute
Leatherland, Thomas ( Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co H 26th Inf Regt Died at New Orleans, LA 3-15-1865
Lee, Jefferson (Recruit) Perry Co 9-4-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to Co A 26th Regt
Lee, John (private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
LeGrand, William (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Died at Tipton, Mo 11-30-1861
Leimenstaff, George (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Deserted 12-3-1862
Lenning, Peter (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; substitute
Lentz, Henry (Private) Rome 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Leonard, Archibald (Corporal) Oil Twp Co H 93rd Inf Piles
Leonard, Silas (2nd Lieut. ) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Lewellen, James M.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 8 Dec 1862.
Lewellen, James M. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died At Nashville, TN 12-8-1862
Lewellen, JohnDerby 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Deserted 4 Dec 1864.
Lewellen, John (Private) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Deserted 12-4-1864
Lewellen, Thomas J. (Recruit) Troy 9-27-1865 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Lewis, Barnard (Private) Troy Twp 26th Inf
Lime, James (Corporal) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as 1st Sergeant
Linch, John H. (Private) Bridgeport 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Lincoln, Austin (Private) Troy 8-19-1861 Co D 25th I nf Regt Discharged 2-6-1863
Lincoln, Thomas (Private) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Lincoln, Francis H. (Recruit) Troy 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Linne, James (Corporal) Derby 8-22-1862 Co g 81st Inf Regt Muistered out 6-13-1865; as Sergeant absent sick
Litherland, George (Recruit) Tell City 8-6-1862 Mustered out 6-1865
Little, Archibald (Wagoner) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 8-18-1863
Little, George (Recruit) Perry Co 3-9-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-30-1865
Little, Isaac H. ( Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 2-16-1862
Little, Jesse (Private) Anderson Twp IN State Militia
Little, SamuelCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Corporal, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Died at St. Louis 9 Nov 1861.
Little, Samuel (Corporal) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Died at St Lou is 11-9-1864
Little, WilliamCannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Louisville, KY 23 Dec 1862.
Little, William (Private) Cannelton Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Louisville, KY 12-23-1862
Lockwood, JamesPerry co. 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Deserted 4 Dec 1864.
Lockwood, James (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Deserted 12-4-1864
Lockwood, John ( Recruit) Perry Co 3-31 -1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 9-7-1865; drafted
Loftus, Martin ( Ord. Sergeant) Troy Twp Co G 53rd Inf Contracted heart disease from heat & exposure
Logsdon, Henry B. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-26-1864
Logsdon, Pleasant ( Private) Anderson Twp Co A 17th Inf Injured back, Macon, GA July 1865
Long, John W. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Long, Scott ( Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Loptis, Martin (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
Loptis, Thomas (Sergeant) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out as 1st Sergeant 7-21-1865
Lorch, David (Private) Troy Twp Co K 44th Inf Rheumatism
Lorenz, Matonis (Private) Troy Twp IN Inf Gunshot wound, Arkansa 3-8-1862
Lovell, William D.Rono 81st Ind InfCompany K Recruit, Mustered in 1 Sep 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Lovell, William D. (Recruit) Rono 9-1-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Lowe, John (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Lucke, Albert ( Private) Perry Co 2-1-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Luxemburger, L.P.W. (Drummer) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Lynch, George W. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Veteran: mustered out 1-1-1866
Lynch, Henry F. (Corporal) Oil Twp Co H 23rd Inf General disability from the effects of measles
Lynch, John H. (Private) Clark Twp Co F 53rd Inf Sunstroke June 1861 in TN., Broken
Lyons, Patrick (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
Major, Carl (Private) Perry Co 2-2-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at Jackson, MS from wounds 7-20-1863
Mallory, Moses (Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Mallory, Richard L (Sergeant) Rome 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Mallory, Robert S. (Private) Rome 2-13-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Mallory, Truman (Private) Rome 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Malone, William Anderson Twp IN State Militia
Mark, John (Recruit) Perry Co 2-25-1864 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to Co A 26th Regt
Marks, John (Private) Troy 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd In f Regt Mustered out 8-23-1865
Marschall, Samuel J. ( Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 3-25-1863
Marschand, Edward (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th I nf REgt Discharged 11-1-1862 disability
Marshall, Benjamin F. ( Private) Lilly Dale 2-15-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Marshall, Henry N. (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Killed at Chickasaw Bayou, 12-24-1862
Marshall, Samuel J.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 25 Mar 1863.
Marshall, Stephen (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865 as Corporal
Martin, Jesse (Corporal) Union Twp Co 0 35th Inf Gunshot in right Breast & left hip Stone River & Chickamauga
Martin, John M (Corporal) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 1-10-1863 Disability
Martin, John W.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Corporal, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Discharged 10 Jan 1863; disability.
Martin, Samuel (Private) Derby 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Discharged 9-16-1865
Martin, WilliamRono 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Killed at Stone River 2 Jan 1863.
Martin, William (1 st Sergeant) Derby 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Died at Huntsville, AI 8-10-1864
Martin, William (Private) Perry Co 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Killed at Stone River 1-2-1863
Mason, Paul (Corporal) Troy Twp Co K 81st Inf
Mason, Powell P.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Transferred to V.R.C. 17 Mar 1864.
Mason, Powell P. ) Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 3-17-1864
Masters, Perry ( Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Masters, William I. (Recruit) Troy 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Masterson, David (Corporal) Troy 8-19-1861 Co 0 25th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-17-1865 as Private
Masterson, Reason (Private) Troy 8-19-1861 Co 0 25th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-17-1865
Mastison, Abner (Private) Union Twp IN Inf Frozen feet & ears 1-7-1863
Mateling, John (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co K 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Matthewson, John ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-4-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Transferred to Co A 26th Regt
Mattingly, ArnoldRono 35th Ind InfCompany D Corporal, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 15 Jun 1865
Mattingly, Arnold (Corporal) Rono 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 6-15-1865
Mattingly, Robert (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Died at St Louis, 8-10-1863
Maurer, Jacob (Recruit) Perry Co 9-10-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 12-1-1862 disability
Maxwell, Garrett (Private) Union Twp Co C 154th Inf Contracted severe cold 5-1-1865 Parkersburg, VA
Mayman, William ( Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
McBride, Alva H. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
McCallister, Robert (Private) Cannelton 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Died at New Albany, IN 2-12-1864
McCallister, Smith (Corporal) Cannelton 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 6-14-1865
McCann, Hyman M. (Recruit) Perry Co 3-31-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
McClain, JamesPerry co. 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Killed at Stone River 2 Jan 1862
McClain, James (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Killed at Stone River 1-2-1863
McCurdy, Robert ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-26-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
McDaniel, Friend ( Private) Anderson Twp Home Guard
McDonald, Clementine (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
McFall, John (Private) Tobin Twp IN Inf
McGinnis, Isaac (Recruit) Perry Co 2-2-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865
McGuffey, Henry ( Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
McGuffy, Henry (Private) Troy 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Deserted 3-10-1863
Mcintire, Edward S. (Private) Bridgeport 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Discharged 12-25-1862 disability
Mcintyre, Daniel ( Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
McKim, William (Private) Clark Twp Co E 144th Inf Loss of eyesight
McKinley, WilliamCannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K 1st Lieutenant commissioned 23 Aug 1862; Company K Captain commissioned 5 Sep 1862; Resigned 17 Jun 1863.
McKinley, William (1 st Lieut.)Perry Co8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtResigned as Captain 6-17-1863
McKinney, Osborne (Private)Tobin TwpIN Inf
McLaughlin, JamesDerby 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
McLaughlin, James (Private)Derby10-8-1861Co 0 35th I nf RegtMustered out 10-17-1864
McLaughton, William (Private)Union TwpCo K 38th InfChronic diarrhea 6-12-1865 at Big Shanty, GA
McMains, R. B. (1st Clss Boy)Troy TwpUS Springfield
McN utt, Charles (Sergeant)Troy TwpIN State MilitiaEye tooth cut
McNaughten, Wm H. (Recruit)Rono2-17-1864Co K 38th I nf RegtMustered out 7-15-1865
McNaughton, Edmund B. (Private)Oil TwpCo K 38th InfPiles
McNitten, Edmund B. (Private)Rono9-18-1861Co K 38th Inf RegtVeteran; mustered out 7-15-1865
McPeek, Hamilton H. (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th nft RegtDied at New Orleans 11-27-1863
Mead, Samuel (Recruit)Perry CoCo E 49th Inf RegtVeteran; died 12-6-1864
Meeks, Lerwis (Private)Oil TwpCo F 28th InfGunshot in right leg below knee, Panther Creek, KY
Meeks, Lorenzo (Private)Troy8-19-1861Co 0 25th I nf RegtDied at St Louis 11-16-1861
Mennier, Frederick (Private)Leopold8-28-1862Co G 93rd I nf RegtMustered out 8-10-1865
Mennier, Narcissus (Sergeant)Leopold8-28-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtPromoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Merker, Charles (Private)Clark TwpIN State Militia
Merry, Rienza (Private)Troy8-19-1861Co D 25th I nf RegtVeteran; mustered out 7-17-1865 as Corporal
Merry, William (Private)Troy8-19-1861Co D 25th I nf RegtVeteran; mustered out 7-17-1865
Meuiner, Narcissum (Sergeant)Perry Co8-28-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtMustered out 5-15-1865 as 1 st Lieut.
Middlebugh, David G. (Recruit)Perry Co2-2-1864Co G 53rd I nf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865
Milburg, David H.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Discharged 23 Feb 1863.
Milburg, David H. ( Private)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81 st Inf RegtDischarged 2-24-1863
Miles, John (Private)Clark TwpCo A 49th InfPiles & chronic diarrhea
Miles, Joseph (Private)Clark TwpCo F 53rd InfLoss of right leg 11-24-1864 Ocona Bridge, GA
Miles, LewisBridgeport 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 27 Feb 1863.
Miles, Lewis (Private) Bridgeport 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 2-27-1862
Miles, Simeon Clark Twp Co B 42nd Inf Shot in GA
Miles, Zephymiah (Private) Clark Twp Co F 53rd Inf Kidney Disorder
Millbauer, Phillip (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to 11th U.S.lnf 11-23-1862
Miller, Albert (Corporal) Union Twp IN State Militia
Miller, Alexander ( Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Discharged 9-9-1862 disability
Miller, Amandus (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 5-30-1862 disability
Miller, Andrew J. (Captain) Anderson Twp Indiana Legion Injured by fall near Huntsville, Jan 1865
Miller, David (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; died of wounds received in action 7-21-1864
Miller, Gabriel (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Miller, GeorgeAdyeville 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Deserted 9 Oct 1862.
Miller, George (Private) Adyeville 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Deserted 10-9-1862
Miller, Henry (Private) Perry Co 2-1-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at Memphis, TN. 7-20-1863
Miller, Henry (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 8-14-1862 disability
Miller, HintonLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 8 Mar 1863.
Miller, Hinton (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 3-8-1863
Miller, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Corporal
Miller, John (Musician) Adyeville 8-19-1861 Co E 25th Inf Regt Discharged 1-1-1863
Miller, John M. (Private) Union Twp Co K 53rd Inf Injured at Savannah, TN 1862
Miller, Moses B. (Private) Anderson Twp Co E 49th Inf Gunshot wound near Pine Bluff, MS 12-28-1862
Miller, Witfield (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Veteran; died of wounds received in action
Milliman, John B. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-23-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Mills, AaronTroy 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Mills, Aaron (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Mills, Foster A. (Private) Rome 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Died at Montgomery, AL 5-20-1865
Mills, John B (Farrier & Blacksmith Rome 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Killed (accident) Crawfordsville, MS 7-5-1865
Mills, William H.Troy 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 24 May 1865.
Mills, William H. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 5-24-1865
Mills, Zephaniah (Private) Clark Twp Co F 53rd Inf
Mitchell, JohnLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Corporal.
Mitchell, John (Corporal) Anderson Twp Co G 81st Inf Gunshot wound thru back of head, Kennesaw Mountain, GA
Mitchell, SolomonLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Corporal, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862; promoted to 1st Lieutenant.
Mitchell, SolomonLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G First Lieutenant commissioned 10 Jul 1864; Mustered out with Regiment.
Mitchell, Solomon (Corporal) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieutenant
Mitchell, William H.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Sergeant, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862; Mustered out 14 Jun 1865.
Mitchell, William H. (Sergeant) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-14-1865
Mock, George W.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 23 Dec 1862.
Mock, George W. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 12-23-1862
Mock, Isaac ( Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Mock, Reuben B.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Mock, Reuben B. Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Mock, WilliamLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Transferred to Company D of 35th Indiana Infantry.
Mock, WilliamPerry co. 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Discharged June 1862; disability.
Mock, William ( Private) Perry Co 12-10-1861 Co F 35th I nf Regt Transferred to Co D
Mock, William ( Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co 0 35th Inf Regt Discharged 6-1863 disability
Moeller, Alexander (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Molden, Benjamin F. (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Discharged 6-24-1863; disability
Mooney, JamesPerry co. 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Veteran, Mustered out 30 Sep 1865.
Mooney, James (private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-30-1865
Moore, Joel W.B. (Hospital Steward Perry Co 8-20-1861 1 st Cav 28th Regt
Morehead, Franklin (Recruit) Perry Co 4-7-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Morgan, Ambrose (Private) Troy Twp 15th Battery Light Art. Chronic dysentery & rheumatism
Morgan, JeffersonAdyeville 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 2 Feb 1863.
Morgan, Jefferson (Private) Adyeville 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Died At Nashville, TN 2-2-1863
Morgan, William (Recruit) Perry Co 2-24-1865 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 7-20-1865
Morland, James H. (Private) Lilly Dale 2-14-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Morrison, Adam (Recruit) Perry Co 9-26-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Mosby, Robert C. Anderson Twp Hickory Rangers
Mottwailer, John J.Santa Claus 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Sergeant Major.
Mottweiler, Hugo (Corporal) Adyeville 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865 as private
Mounts, SamuelDerby 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Transferred to V.R.C; wounds received at Stone River.
Mounts, Samuel ( Private) Perry Co 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. wounded at Stone River
Murphy, Cornelius (Recruit) Perry Co 4-8-1864 Co A 60th I nf Regt Transferred to Co C 26th Regt
Murphy, James (Private) Oil Twp Co Q 35th Inf
Murphy, JohnDerby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 13 Jan 1865.
Murphy, John (Private Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Died at Nashville, TN 6-13-1865
Murtha, Henry T.Derby 35th Ind InfCommissioned Company D 2nd Lieutenant 15 Sep 1861; Mustered in 9 Sep 1861; Resigned 2 Dec 1862.
Murtha, Henry T. (2nd Lieut ) Perry Co 9-4-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Resigned 12-3-1862
Myers, MadisonDerby 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Veteran, Mustered out 30 Sep 1865 as Serg't.
Myers, Madison (Private) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Veteran; must'd out 9-30-1865 as Sergeant
Nagel, Albert ( Private) Perry Co 2-1-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 6-28-1862 disability
Naurer, Jacob (Recruit) Tell City 9-10-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 12-1-1862 disability
Naviaux, Isodore (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865 as Corporal
Neff, Peter (Drafted) Perry Co 9-27-1861 Co B 9th I nf Regt Mustered out 6-21-1865
Nelson, William S.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Nelson, William S. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Nester, Jacob (Sergeant) TroyTwp 19th Regt U.S. Reg. Army
Nevett, John M. (Private) Troy 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865 as Corporal
Nevitt, Adam P. (Recruit) Troy 3-1-1864 Co K 25th I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-17-1865
Newkirk, Joel R. (Recruit) Perry Co 11-16-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Newman, Hiram (1/4master Sergea Perry Co 3-11-1862 Co A 69th Inf Regt Discharged 5-27-1864 as private
Newman, Wilkins (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to Co G
Newton, James C. (Sergeant) Bridgeport 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Discharged 1-2-1863
Newton, Stephen (Private) Cannelton 8-30-161 Co F 26th I nft Regt Veteran: mustered out 1-15-1866
Nickelson, Andrew (Private) Union Twp Co F 38th Inf
Niermeier, John (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to 11th U.S. Inf 11-23-1862
Niles, Edward P. (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Discharged 11-24-1862; disability
Niles, Franklin (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 11-30-1861
Nix, Joseph C. (1st Lieut. ) Clark Twp Co H 42nd Inf Gunshot wound in rt hip, Perryville, KY 10-8-1862
Noble, Isaac ( Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 2-20-1863
Nold, George (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Northcut, Hosea (Recruit) Perry Co 2-23-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Nothhener, John W. (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran: mustered out 1-11-1866
Nugent, William (Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Obauster, George (Private) Perry Co 2-1-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 4-13-1865
Oberlein, Frederick B. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Oliver, Jacob R. Perry Co 1-11-1865 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
O'Neil, JohnDerby 35th Ind InfCompany D Musician, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Missing Chicamauga; Mustered out 30 Sep 1865
Oneil, Julin (1st Seregant ) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
O'Neil, William (Captain) Perry Co 8-29-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Resigned 2-23-1863
O'Neill, JohnDerby 81st Ind InfCompany G First Sergeant, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862; Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
O'Neill, JohnDerby 81st Ind InfCompany G 2nd Lieutenant commissioned 20 Jan 1863; Resigned 22 Dec 1863.
O'Neille, WilliamDerby 81st Ind InfCompany G Captain commissioned 18 Aug 1862; Resigned 23 Feb 1863.
Oniel, John (Musician) Derby 10-8-1861 Co D 35th I nf Regt Missing, Chicamauga, mustered out 9-30-1865
Orander, John W.Troy 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Orander, John W. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Osborn, BenjaminCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Sergeant, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Company F 2nd Lieutenant commissioned 13 Mar 1863; Died 17 Oct 1863 at Cairo, IL.
Osborn, James H. (Private) Oil Twp Co C 21st Inf General disability
Osborn, William (2nd Lieut. ) Troy Twp Co A 133rd Inf
Osborne, Benjamin C .( Sergeant) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Promoted to Captain
Ott, Daniel (Recruit) Perry Co 10-24-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out as Corporal 9-30-1865 substitute
Ott, John (Recruit) Perry Co 9-28-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 6-22-1865 drafted
Oxley, John (Private) Troy Twp Co M 10th Inf Disease of lung from cold & diarrhea
Palmer, John W. (1 st Lieut. ) Troy 11-1-1864 Co E 49th Inf Regt Promoted to Captain 9-7-1865
Palmer, Solomon B. (Private) Troy 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 5-20-1865
Parker, Ansel (Private) Cannelton 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Died at home
Parkison, William (Recruit) Perry Co 4-4-1865 Co G 53rd Ind Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Parks, William H.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany C Recruit; Mustered in 27 Sep 1864; Mustered out 6 Sep 1865; Drafted.
Parks, William H. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co C 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865 drafted
Parr, David W. (Private) Oil Twp Co E
Parrot, Constant ( Private) Oil Twp Co D 53rd Inf
Parsley, Richard (Private) Union Twp IN Inf
Patrick, John T.Leopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 23 Jul 1863; wounds.
Patrick, John T. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 7-23-1863 wounds
Patterson, James (Private) Troy Twp 52nd & 152nd Inf
Pearson, Claybourne A (Recruit) Perry Co 10-22-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Peck in paw, John (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Peel, Robert ( Recruit) Perry Co Co H 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-26-1865 drafted
Pennington, James (Recruit) Perry Co 4-12-1864 Co K 81st Inf Regt Unassigned recruit
Perry, James (Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Perviance, Thomas Private) Clark Twp Co D 65th Inf Injured eyesight, piles, and disease of left lung
Pessinger, Robert ( Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Corporal
Petty, Joshua (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Corporal
Pfeiffer, August ( Private) Troy Twp Co G 23rd Inf Gunshot wound in back of neck at Thomsons Hill, MS. 5-1-1863
Pfitzer, Raymond (Private) Troy Twp 49th Inf
Pitts, Isaac (Recruit) Perry Co 10-12-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Platt, Sampson (Sergeant) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Promoted to 1 st Lieutenant
Platt, Sampson T.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Sergeant, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Company F 1st Lieutenant commissioned 2 Dec 1864.
Pleisch, Theodore (Captain) Cannelton 4-19-1864 60th Regt Promoted to Major 2-19-1862, must'd out as Captain 3-21-1865
Plock, Caspar (Recruit) Cannelton 11-27-1862 Co E 49th I nf Regt Died 10-2-1863
Plumeier, Henry (Sergeant) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 4-2-1864 disability
Poehlein, John ( Private) Tobin Twp Co E 44th Inf
Poehlein, Stephen (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Pohl, James (Sergeant) Anderson Twp Indiana Legion Lung trouble
Polk, Daniel W.Troy 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Louisville, KY 10 Nov 1862.
Polk, Daniel W. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st lnf Regt Died at Louisville, KY 11-10-1862
Polk, John G. (Private) Tobin Twp Indiana Legion
Pollard, John (Private) Clark Twp Co A 49th Inf Ught arm & leg hit by bursting shell Jan 1962 chickasaw Bluffs,M:
Porter, JohnPerry co. 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Killed at Kenesaw 19 Jun 1864.
Porter, John (Private) Perry Co 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Killed at Kenesaw 6-19-1864
Porter, Stephen (Private) Troy 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd Inf Regt Died at Savannah, TN. 4-3-1862
Portwood, Alexander (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Corporal
Powell, John R.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany C Recruit; Mustered in 27 Sep 1864; Mustered out 5 Aug 1865; Drafted.
Powell, John R. (Recruit) Cannelton 9-27-1864 Co C 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865 drafted
Powell, Uriah Clark Twp Co G 49th Inf Hemmorrhage of lungs
Powell, William (Private) Adyeville 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Powers, Edward N.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F First Sergeant, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Company F 2nd Lieutenant commissioned 1 Jul 1862; Company F 1st Lieutenant commissioned 13 Mar 1863; Company F Captain commissioned 8 Jul 1864; Honorably discharged 15 May 1865.
Powers, Edward S. ( 1 st Sergeant) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th I nft Regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Price, Frederick (Recruit) Troy 11-6-1864 Co I 31st Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1865 drafted
Priest, William J. (Private) Clark Twp Co I 25th Inf Neuralgia of right shoulder and chest
Purcell, Christopher C. (Private) Troy 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Purcell, John W. (Private) Perry Co 8-10-1861 Co D 25th Inf Regt Discharged 9-1862
Pursell, Christopher C.Troy 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Corporal.
Pyle, William H.H.Bridgeport 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 14 Jun 1865.
Pyle, William H.H. (Private) Bridgeport 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Quick, Alexander ( Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Discharged 6-7-1862; disability
Quick, Francis M. (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Died 4-25-1862
Quick, John A (Farrier & Blacksmitt- Cannelton 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Quick, John A. (Recruit Cannelton 8-19-1864 Co E 49th I nf Regt Died 12-2-1864
Quick, Samuel (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Quick, William J. (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Ramsey, James C. (Private) Tobin Twp Indiana Legion
Raney, James (Sergeant) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Raney, James A.Leopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Sergeant; Mustered in 8 Oct 1861; Mustered out 17 Oct 1864
Ransom, BenjaminLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died from wounds received at Chicamauga.
Ransom, CharlesLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Ransom, ElishaLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 27 Jul 1863.
Ransom, Elisha ( Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81 st Inf Regt Discharged 7-27-1863
Ransom, Elisha Sr. (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Ranson, Benjamin (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died of wounds received at Chicamauga
Ranson, Charles (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17-1864
Ray, Charles ( Recruit) Perry Co 4-7-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substltute
Ray, James (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran: mustered out 1-15-1866
Reed, Crawford (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Reed, Ephraim (Private) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co K 49th Inf Regt Transferred to MS. Marine Brigade 4-1863
Reed, Isaac Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 8-1-1864
Reed, Samuel (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; transferred to V.R.C. must'd out 7-20-1865
Reed, William T.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Reed, William T. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Reiche, Charles (Private) Tell City 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 8-15-1863
Remly, Henry (Sergeant) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt
Rennie, William (Private) Union Twp Co L 325th I nf Regt Wounded 1-21-1863 near Bradstown, KY
Renny, ThomasLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Discharged 19 Jan 1863; disability.
Renny, Thomas (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Discharged 1-19-1863; disability
Reynolds, Alvatus (Private) Anderson Twp Co A 49th I nf Regt Injured in Battle of Cumberland Gap 1862
Reynolds, Nicholas (Recruit) Perry Co 4-12-1865 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Rhodes, DanielPerry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 2 Jul 1863.
Rhodes, Daniel (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 7-2-1863
Rhodes, HenryPerry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to Engineer Corps 27 Jul 1864.
Rhodes, Henry (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred ot Engineer Corps, 7-27-1864
Rhodes, SylvesterLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Rhodes, Sylvester (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Rice, George (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Killed at Chickasaw Bayou, 12-29-1862
Rice, HenryCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Corporal, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861.
Rice, Henry W. (Corporal) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt
Richards, David (Sergeant) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Richardson, HarveyLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Discharged 1862; disability.
Richardson, KellyLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Richardson, Thomas C.Rono 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Murfreesboro, TN 8 Feb 1863.
Riddle, LeviRono 81st Ind InfCompany K Sergeant, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Transferred to V.R.C. 17 Feb 1864; wounds.
Robinson, David L.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865/
Robinson, Martin (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Robinson, Samuel W. (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Roche, Emanuel (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Int Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Roche, John J. (Recruit) Perry Co Co G 53rd Int Regt Died
Rochelle, Joseph F. (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Transferred to V. R. C. 9-26-1863
Rogers! James M. (Private) Troy Twp Co G 56th Inf
Rogier, Lambert (Private) Leopold 8-26-1862 Co G 93rd Int Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Rogier, Melsior (Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Died at Memphis, TN 7-24-1863
Root, John (Private) Troy Twp Co K 38th Inf
Root, William R. (Private) Oil Twp Co F 49th Inf Heart disease
Rosecrants, Adam F. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 3-21-1864
Rosecrants, Jacob S. (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Sergeant
Rosecrants, John (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Int Regt Died at Nashville, TN 3-11-1863
Rosenberger, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at Milliken's Bend 7-11-1863
Rosencrants, William H.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Roth, Conrafd (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Transferred to 11th U.S. Inf 11-23-1862
Rowe, D.H. (Private) Union Twp Co D 154th Inf Injured 1865 at Stephensen, VA
Royal, John M (Private) Cannelton 2-14-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Died at Harper's Ferry 3-16-1865
Russ, John (Private) Troy Twp Co K 26th Inf Shot in right leg, also hit in forehead by piece of shell, Mobile, AL
Ryan, JohnLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Ryan, John (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 10-17 -1864
Ryan, PatrickLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Discharged 1862; disability.
Ryan, Patrick (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Discharged 1862; disability
Ryker, John (Private) Union Twp Co F 22nd Int Measles at Chattanooga, TN
Sallee, Joseph (Private) Troy 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Discharged 5-22-1865
Salman, ChristianLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died at Andersonville prison 26 Jul 1864.
Salmon, Christian (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at Andersonville Prison 7-26-1864
Salmon, John (Private) Lilly Dale 2-14-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Sampley, Calvin (Private) Perry Co 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865 as Corporal
Sampson, William (Private) Troy Twp Co H 57th Inf Chronic diarrhea and bronchitis by exposure
Samuels, James ( Private) Clark Twp Co C 53rd Inf Rheumatism and total blindness
Sandage, Abram (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran: mustered out 1-15-1866
Sandage, Elias (Privater) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Deserted 2-22-1864
Sandage, George (Private) Clark Twp
Sandage, Greenbury (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd I nf Regt
Sandage, Isaac N. (Private) Lilly Dale 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Sandage, James Private) Union Twp IN Home Guard
Sandage, Jesse ( Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Transferred to V.R.C. 4-10-1864
Sandage, Louis (Sergeant) Cannelton 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865 as Q.M. Sergeant
Sandage, Miles (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Discharged; accidental wounds
Sandage, Moses (Private) Rome 2-6-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Sandage, Thomas ( Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Sandage, William (Lieutenant) Tobin Twp Hickory Rangers Unit of Indiana Legion
Sanders, Anderson (Private) Troy Twp Co D 25th Inf Poisoned by drinking water from a spring
Sandleben, Henry ( Private) Perry Co 1-2-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Sapp, RichardRono 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Sapp, Richard (Private) Rono 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Sass, Conrad (Recruit) Troy 9-27-1864 Co F 26th I nft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Schaefer, Paul (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 4-18-1864 disability
Schbert, John (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co K 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865 drafted
Scheifes, Henry (Private) Perry Co Co A 60th Inf Chronic diarrhea
Scherly, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schmidt, Henry (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schmidt, Jacob (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schmidt, John # 2 (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died at Jackson, MS. from wounds 7-11-1863
Schmidt, John #1 (Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schmidt, Sebastian (Corporal) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schmidt, Simon (Private) TroyTwp Co A 60th Inf
Schmied, Simeon (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf regt Transferred to V.R.C. 2-20-1864
Schneidegger, Henry (Private) Perry Co 1-2-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 5-31-1862 disability
Schook, David (Private) TroyTwp Co C 26th Inf Gunshot wound of hip 12-7-1862
Schook, Dickenson (Private TroyTwp Co D 37th Inf Organic trouble of the heart
Schrader, Charles A. (Recruit) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-10-1865
Schrader, Frederick (Recruit) Perry Co 10-3-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Schreiber, Henry ( Private) Perry Co 1-2-1862 Co A 60th I nf regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schrepper, Peter ( Private) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Schultheiss, Adam (Private) Perry Co 10-22-1861 Co A 60th I nf regt Transferred to V.R.C. 9-13-1863 must'd out 2-13-1865
Schultheiss, Henry ( Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt ransferred to V.R.C. 9-13-1863 for wounds, must'd out 2-18-18€
Schultz, Edward (Sergeant) Troy Twp Co C 4th Inf
Schultz, John (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 11-5-1862 disability
Schultz, Reynold (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Sergeant
Schwartzlander, Jacob (Recruit) Perry Co 3-25-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Schwenaker,Christian ( Recruit)Perry Co10-22-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Scoot, Ira (Corporal)Anderson TwpCo D 144th InfKidney Trouble
Scott, Alexander ( Private)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Scott, George W. (Private)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd I nf RegtVeteran; mustered out 9-13-1865 as Corporal
Scott, James (Private)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7 -21-1865
Scott, Nathan N. (Recruit)Perry Co4-13-1865Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Scott, Samuel R. (Private)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd I nf Regt
Screk, David (Private)Troy TwpCo K 44th Inf
Scull, Constance (Corporal)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 3-23-1865
Seals, Nosh (Private) Anderson Twp Co H 23rd Inf Rheumatism
Seamon, Albert R. (Recruit)Perry Co3-25-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Secrist, Leroy S. (Recruit)Perry Co4-5-1865Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 9-8-1865; substitute
Seibert, ChristianCannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Seibert, Christian (Private)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865
Seibert, Jacob (Private)Tobin TwpMountain Wildcat
Seiler, William (Private)Clark TwpCo E 143rd InfRheumatism
Semler, Anthony ( Private)Perry Co2-1-1862Co A 60th Inf RegtMustered out 3-21-1865
Senn, JohnTell City 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Corporal.
Senn, John (Private)Tell City8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Shafer, James H. (Sergeant)Clark TwpGunshot right thigh at Seamy Creek, VA
Shaffer, John (Recruit)Troy 1-1-1865Co F 26th Inft RegtMustered out 1-11-1866
Sharples, JosephCannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Sharples, Joseph (Private)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865
Sharples, Thomas (Sergeant)Cannelton8-28-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtTaken Prisoner; supposed to be dead
Sheldon, Zachariah T. (Recruit)Perry Co4-12-1865Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Shepard, David P. (Recruit)Perry Co11-31-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Sheppard, HenryLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 17 Jan 1863.
Sheppard, Henry ( Private)Leopold8-22-1862Co G 81 st Inf RegtDied at Nshville, TN 1-17-1863
Sherron, Samuel (Private) Oil Twp Co E 1st Inf Measles
Shevels, George Private) Troy Twp Co K 129th Inf Gunshot left shoulder, Battle of Resacca, GA 5-15-1864
Shircliff, Simeon (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Died at Savannah, GA. 1-1-1865; drafted
Shoemaker, Jacob L. (Private) Rome 4-3-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Died at Indianapolis, IN 5-2-1864
Shoen, Arthur L. (Recruit) Perry Co 4-11-1865 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Shoulders, Alexander ( Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Shouse, John W.Cannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Corporal, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Mustered out 30 Aug 1864.
Shouse, John W. (Corporal) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Shuiter, Nicholas (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Shuyler, John S. (Private) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Siantz, William H. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Sigler, Isaac Clark Twp Co D 53rd Inf
Sigler, Jacob (Private) Clark Twp Co D 53rd Inf
Sigler, John (Private) Clark Twp Voitiger
Simon, Jile (Recruit) Perry Co 4-6-1865 Co G 53rd I nf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Simone, Waldo (Sergeant) Tobin Twp
Simpson, James (Recruit) Troy 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Simpson, John (Recruit Perry Co 10-25-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-30-1865 drafted
Sims, James M.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Corporal, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862; Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Sergeant.
Sims, James M. (Corporal Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865 as Sergeant
Siscel, Joseph (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864 as Corporal
Siscel, Matthew ( Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Veteran; mustered out 1-15-1866
Siscel, Silas (Corporal) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; Must'd out 9-13-1865 as Sergeant
Sketo, Jefferson (Private) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Deserted 11-25-1862, apprehended; mustered out
Smalgrid, Frederich (Recruit) Perry Co 10-21-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Smith, Adam (Recruit) Troy Co K 38th I nf Regt Mustered out 7-15-1865; substitute
Smith, Almon (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Smith, Benjamin (Private) Rome 2-7-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Smith, Commodore (Private) Rome 2-8-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Smith, Edward (( Serg Major) Cannelton 8-20-1861 1 st Cav 28th Regt Promoted to 1st Lieut and Adjutant Resigned 12-30-1861
Smith, Henry (Bugler) Lilly Dale 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Discharged 5-18-1864
Smith, Henry (Private) Anderson Twp 144th Inf Bad cold settled on lungs 7-8-1865
Smith, Jackson (Recruit) Perry Co 11-6-1862 Co A 60th I nf Regt Transferred to Co A 26th Regt
Smith, James H.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Danville, KY 1 Nov 1862.
Smith, James H. (Private) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81 st Inf Regt Died at Danville, KY 11-1-1862
Smith, John (Wagoneer) Adyeville 4-2-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered our 11-18-1865
Smith, John B. (Private) Anderson Twp Co B 42nd Inf Shot at Battle of Perryville, KY
Smith, Vincent ( Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf Regt Discharged 3-16-1863
Smith, William (Recruit) Troy 9-27-1864 Co F 26th I nft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Snider, Solomon (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Snyder, Andrew ( Private) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Snyder, Daniel (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Snyder, Jacob (Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co K 49th Inf Regt Mustered out as 1st Sergeant 9-12-1865
Snyder, John (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 8-30-1864
Sommer, William (Corporal) Tobin Twp Hoosier Wildcat
Southwood, John (Private) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf Regt Mustered out 11-29-1864
Sovocoo!. James E. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Sparrow, George (Corporal) Perry Co 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-11-1865
Spauk,Wiliiam (Private) Derby 4-3-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 8-18-1865
Spear, Isaac ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-28-1864 Co D 35th Inf Regt Transferred to 13th Regt drafted
Sperlit, John J. (Private) Perry Co 12-10-1861 Co F 35th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-30-1865
Spilman, Jerome (Captain) Cannelton 9-30-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out with Regiment
Spires, Joseph ( Recruit) Perry Co Co F 35th Inf Regt Mustered out 5-5-1865
Spirlet, John J.Leopold 35th Ind InfCompany F Private, Mustered in 10 Dec 1861, Veteran, Mustered out 30 Sep 1865.
Sprinkle, ActonLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died at home 23 Apr 1862.
Sprinkle, Acton (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at home, 4-23-1862
Sprinkle, Anthony H. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-22-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Sprinkle, Benjamin (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
Sprinkle, Benjamin (Recruit) Perry Co 10-22-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Sprinkle, ElishaLeopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Killed at Chicamauga 20 Sep 1863.
Sprinkle, Elisha ( Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Killed at Chickamauga 9-20-1863
Sprinkle, George (Private) Oil Twp I N State Militia
Sprinkle, George W. (Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Sprinkle, Michael G.Leopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Discharged 21 Jun 1864.
Sprinkle, Michael G. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 6-21-1864
Sprinkle, Michael M. (Private) Oil Twp I N State Militia
Sprinkle, Thomas ( Recruit) Perry Co 9-27-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Sprinkle, William (Recruit) Leopold 9-27-1864 Co F 26th Inft Regt Mustered out 9-6-1865; drafted
Sprinkle, William N.Leopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to Marine Brigade 31 Jan 1863.
Sprinkle, William N. (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred to Marine Brigade 1-31-1863
Stack, August (Recruit) Tell City 4-1-1865 Co E 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Stapleton, James T. (Corporal) Bridgeport 3-4-1862 Co F 53rd I nf Regt Discharged 10-17-1862 disability
Stapleton, Sterling (Sergeant) Adyeville 11-21-1861 Co E 49th I nf regt Died of wounds 12-28-1862
Steinauer, Nicholas ( 1st Lieut) Tell City 11-1-1861 60th Regt Promoted to Captain, must'd out as 1st Lieut 12-31-1864
Steinsberger, William (Private) Troy Twp Co A 23rd Inf Lost left leg above the knee, Battle of Shiloh
Stephens, JamesLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died at Indianapolis 18 Nov 1861.
Stephens, James (Private) Leopold 10-8-1861 Co D 35th Inf Regt Died at Indianapolis 11-18-1861
Sterling, Jesse ( Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Sedalia, MO 12-25-1863
Stevens, John ( Private)Leopold10-8-1861Co D 35th Inf RegtDied at Columbia, TN 4-25-1862
Stewart, John J. (Recruit)Perry Co4-1-1865Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; su bstitute
Stockwell, William (Recruit)Perry Co3-8-1865Co G 53rd I nf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Stoeker, Jacob (Private)Perry Co11-2-1861Co A 60th Inf regtDischarged 5-21-1862 disability
Stokes, Joseph D. (Recruit)Perry Co8-30-1864Co K 81st Inf regt
Stowe, Harvey H.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Discharged 7 Mar 1863.
Stowe, Harvey H. ("Private)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtDischarged 3-7-1863
Strahl, Xavier (Private)Union TwpCo D 35th InfLung disease Battle of Stone River in 1863
Strahle, John (Private)Leopold TwpCo D 95th InfDied 5-26-1886 due to disease contracted in service
Straub, Frederick ( Recruit)Perry Co4-26-1864Co A 60th Inf regtTransferred to Co A 26th Regt
Straub, Jacob ( Recruit)Perry Co2-19-1862Co A 60th Inf RegtDischarged 4-16-1864 disability
Straud, Henry ( Private)Oil TwpCo I 53rd Inf
Strell, JohnLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Discharged July 1862.
Strell, John (Private)Leopold10-8-1861Co D 35th I nf RegtDischarged 8-1862
Strell, PhilipLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Died at Nashville 1 Dec 1863 from wounds.
Strell, Philip (Private)Leopold10-8-1861Co D 35th Inf RegtDied at Nashville, 12-1-1863 from wounds
Strell, WilliamLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Strell, William (Private)Leopold10-8-1861Co D 35th I nf RegtMustered out 10-17-1864
Strell, ZavierLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Strell, Zavier (Private)Leopold10-8-1861Co D 35th Inf RegtMustered out 10-17-1864
Strub, JohnTroy Twp9th Inf
Strue, Elihu P. (Recruit)Perry Co0-27-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Strule, Johann J. (Corporal)Perry Co11-2-1861Co A 60th Inf RegtDischarged 4-10-1864 disability
Sturgeon, NathanielPerry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to V.R.C. 1 Sep 1863.
Sturgeon, Nathaniel (Private)Perry Co8-22-1862Co G 81 st Inf RegtTransferred to V.R.C. 9-1-1863
Sturgeon, Samuel (Private)Clark TwpCo H 49th InfPiles
Styles, William N. (Private)Union TwpCo L 23rd InfMeasles at Paducah, KY resulting in his death in 1882
Suddarth, Louis (Private)Union TwpCo H 23rd InfPalpaytations of heart at Washington D.C. May of 1865
Suddarth, WilliamPerry CoCo A 60th Inf RegtMustered out 3-21-1865 as 1st Sergeant
Sugg, Charles A.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Musician, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Discharged 31 Oct 1863.
Sugg, Charles A. (Musician)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81 st Inf RegtDischarged 10-21-1863
Sutter, KasperTroy TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Rheumatism and flux
Swartz, WilliamTobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Bloody Piles
Sweat, Daniel C.Leopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Sergeant, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, died at Nashville, 20 Apr 1864
Sweat, Russell MLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D First Sergeant; Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, died at Munfordsville, KY 18 March 1862
Sweat, SolomonLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Tassin, August G.Leopold 35th Ind InfCommissioned Company D 1st Lieutenant 15 Sep 1861; Mustered in 9 Sep 1861; Commissioned Company D Captain 15 April 1863; Commissioned as Regiment Lieutenant Colonel 16 Jul 1864; Commissioned as Regiment Colonel 1 Feb 1865, Mustered in 4 March 1865. Must
Tate, DanielPerry CoCo A 60th Inf RegtMustered out 3-21-1865 as 1st Sergeant
Taten, Augustus T.Leopold 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to Marine Corp 15 Jan 1863.
Taylor, DanielBridgeport 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Corporal.
Taylor, DanielAnderson TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Consumption
Taylor, DavidAnderson TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Consumption (died 1-4-1879)
Tehle, AlbertPerry CoCo A 60th Inf Regt
Terry, John N.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Killed at Nashville, TN 15 Dec 1864.
Terry, Uriah E. (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtDischarged 10-24-1862 disability
Thom, Robert C.Clark TwpCo A 60th Inf Reg(Private) Stroke of palsey, Plymouth, NC. 1-1 864
Thomas, George R.Rono 81st Ind InfCompany K Recruit, Mustered in 1 Sep 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 17 Jan 1863.
Thomas, George R. (Recruit)Rono9-1-1862Co K 81 st Inf RegtDied at Nashville, TN 1-17-1863
Thomas, James C. (Corporal)Tobin TwpCo K 27th InfWounded 5-25-1864 near Dallas, GA
Thomas, William O. (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtMustered out 8-30-1864
Thompson, John (Private)Oil TwpCo H 23rd Inf
Thompson, Lewis (Recruit)Perry Co9-27-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Thompson, William 8. (Private)Rome8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtDischarged 2-25-1864 disability
Thrasher, Eli (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtMustered out 8-30-1864
Thurman, John J.L. (Private)Union TwpCo E 13th InfCattarah & neuralgia
Tice, John (Private)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd Inf Regt
Tichenor, Travis W. (Private)Troy3-3-1864Co L 13th Cav RegtMustered out 11-18-1865
Ticknor, Francis W. (Private)Troy11-21-1861Co E 49th Inf RegtDischarged 7-2-1862; disability
Ticknor, Robert W. Private)Troy11-21-1861Co E 49th Inf RegtDischarged 4-26-1862; disability
Tigne, James (Private)Oil TwpIN State Militia
Tobin, JohnCannelton 26th Ind InfCompany F Sergeant, Mustered in 30 Aug 1861; Veteran; Mustered out 15 Jan 1866.
Tobin, John (Sergeant)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtMustered out 1-15-1866
Tobin, Robert (Captain)Tobin Twp5th Inf
Tommy, William (Recruit)Perry Co3-4-1864Co A 60th Inf RegtTransferred to Co A 26th Regt
Torbet, George A.Cannelton 26th Ind InfRegiment Assistant Surgeon, commissioned 30 Aug 1861; Mustered out 22 Sep 1864.
Torbet, George A. (Asst. Surgeon)Perry Co8-31-186126th RegtMustered out 9-22-1864
Tourdot, JosephPerry CoCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Died 3-28-1 879 due to disease from service
Tower, Abram B. (Private)Leopold8-28-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtMustered out 8-10-1865 as Corporal
Trainer, John W.Derby 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Corporal.
Trainer, John W. (Private)Derby8-22-1862Co G 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865 as Corporal
Trainer, John W. (Private)Tobin TwpCo G 815t InfLung trouble & kidney disease 1862 State of KY
Tully, Hugh M. (Private)Leopold1-27-1864Co L 13th Cav RegtMustered out 11-18-1865
Tully, Hugh M. (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtDisch'd 3-6-1862 dis'ty (out 2-28-1866)
Turner, Benjamin (Private) Don Juan 2-14-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-1865
Turner, Josiah (Private) Don Juan 2-14-1865 Co I 144th Inf Regt Mustered out 8-5-12865
Turner, Josiah (Private) Troy Twp Co I 144th Inf Discharge papers are on display at the museum
Tyler, Thomas J. (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; substitute
Ubelhor, Michael (Private) Clark Twp Home Legion
Uhrich, John (Private) Perry Co 1-2-1862 Co A 60th Inf Regt Died on Steamer Von Phul from wounds 1-24-1863
Undergreed, Augustus ( Private) Cannelton 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Underhill, Amos (Private) Clark Twp Co D 53rd Inf
Underhill, EgbertTroy TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Disease Andersonville, Prison 1864
Underhill, Robert ( Private Oil Twp Co K 42nd Inf
Underwood, WilTroy TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) (Lieut) Nervous disease
Van hoosier, James U (Recruit) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Vanconey, Thomas C. (Private) Tobin Twp Co A 143rd Inf Lungs
VanDiver, Thomas C.Oil TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Lungs
Vanpel, William (Private) Clark Twp Co K 49th Inf
Vanpell, Elliott ( Recruit) Perry Co 8-28-1864 Co K 49th Inf Regt Mustered out 9-13-1865
Vanpell, John (Private) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co K 49th I nf Regt Veteran; died at Lexington, KY 6-26-1865
Vanpell, William J. (Private) Perry Co 11-21-1861 Co K 49th Inf Regt Deserted 10-15-1864
Vanpelt, Elliot (Private) Troy Twp Co K 25th Inf Gunshot in left leg, Pittsburg Landing
VanWinkle, Daniel (2nd Lieut ) Clark Twp IN State Militia
Vanwinkle, EphraimPerry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to Marine Brigade 1 Jan 1863.
Vanwinkle, Ephraim (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transfered to Marine Brigade 1-1-1863
Vanwinkle, Isaac C. (Private) Anderson Twp Home Guard
Vanwinkle, Isaac W.Perry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to Marine Brigade 1 Jan 1863.
Vanwinkle, Isaac W. (Private) Perry Co 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Transferred to Marine Brigade 1-1-1863
Vanwinkle, Sylvester (Private) Tobin Twp Co E 1st Inf Disease of the lungs, liver, and eyes, Pilot Knob, MO
Volman, NicklasTroy TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Musician)
Vonclalr, Joseph (Private) Oil Twp IN State Militia
W????, Frank (Private) Clark Twp Co F 53rd Inf Rheumatism and weak eyes
Waddington, Barthomew (CorporalPerry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd Inf RegtTransferred to V.R.C.,; mustered out 2-21-1865
Waddle, David (Flag Bearer)Oil TwpFlag Bearer
Wade, Benjamin K. (Private)Rome8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtVeteran; mustered out 1-15-66 as corporal
Wade, Caleb S.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died in Andersonville Prison 12 Aug 1864.
Wade, Caleb S. Private)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtDied at Anderson Prison 8-12-1864
Wade, Ludwig (Private)Perry Co12-4-1861Co A 60th Inf RegtDischarged 4-16-1864 disability
Wade, William E (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtVet; des'd 11-14-1865; ch'ges rein'v'd; must'd
Wagoner, John P. (Recruit)Perry Co10-15-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Walker, Asbury W. (Private)Oil TwpIN State Militia
Walker, Fred D. (Serg Major)Perry Co3-11-1862Co A 60th Inf RegtMustered out as Quarter Master Sergerant 3-2-1865
Walker, John W. (Recruit)Perry Co9-27-1864Co G 53rd Inf RegtMustered out 5-31-1865; drafted
Wall, James (Recruit)Cannelton3-8-1862Co F 26th I nft RegtMustered out 3-8-1865
Waller, DanielPerry co. 81st Ind InfCompany G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Transferred to Engineer Corps 27 Jul 1864.
Waller, Daniel ( Private)Perry Co8-22-1862Co G 81st Inf RegtTransferred to Engineer Corps 7-27-1864
Walls, John (Private)Oil TwpIN State Militia
Walters, WilliamUnion TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Hernia Cleveland, TN. 7-1 7-1 864
Ward, MathiasLeopold 35th Ind InfCompany D Corporal, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864
Ward, Mathias (Corporal)Leopold10-8-1861Co 0 35th Inf RegtMustered out 10-17-1864
Warren, Aladoras (Private)Cannelton11-21-1861Co E 49th Inf RegtVeteran; mustered out 9-13-1865
Washington, GeorgeTroy TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Lung Disease
Waters, William (Private)Cannelton8-39-1861Co F 26th I nft RegtMustered out 8-30-1864
Watson, David L.Rono 81st Ind InfCompany K Recruit, Mustered in 1 Sep 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Watson, David L. (Recruit)Rono9-1-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865
Watson, H.V. (Private)Union TwpCo K 81st InfInjured 9-19-1863
Watson, Hillary 8. (Private)Rono8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865
Watson, Hillury B.Rono 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Watson, James M. (Private)Perry Co6-12-1861Co C 17th Inf RegtVeteran; mustered out 8-8-1865
Watts, Francis M. (Private)Rome2-25-1865Co I 144th Inf RegtMustered out 8-5-1865
Watts, George W. (Private)Troy1-27-1864Co L 13th Cav RegtMustered out 11-18-1865 as Corporal
Waught, Fernando ( 1 st Lieut. )Troy TwpCo 0 65th Inf
Weatherholt, HenryTroy TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private) Injured near Corrinth, MS 1863
Weatherholt, WilliamTobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Captain)
Welch, RichardTobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private)
Wende?, CyrusOil TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Private I) Hit on left shoulder at Chickamauga 9-19-1 863
Wheeler, Charles B.Rono 81st Ind InfCompany K Corporal, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Died at Chattanoog 7 Oct 1864; wounds; 1st Sergeant.
Wheeler, Emery S.Cannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as absent sick.
Wheeler, Foster A.Tobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt
Wheeler, James W.Tobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Corporal) Hernia and loss of right testicle
Wheeler, Lysander N. (Wagoner) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Company K Wagoner, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Discharged 21 Sep 1864.
Wheeler, William R (Sergeant) Rome 1-27-1864 Co L 13th Cav Regt Mustered out 11-18-1865
Wheetly, John Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt (Private) Company G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Died at Nashville, TN 12 Dec 1862.
Wheetly, Leonard Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt (Private) Company G Private, Mustered in 22 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865 as Corporal.
Wheetly, William (Private) Leopold 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Discharged 10-11-1862
Whelan, Timothy (Quartermaster) Troy Twp Co E 2nd Regt US Cav
Whitaker, Henderson L (Recruit) Rono 2-19-1864 Co K 38th Inf Regt Killed at Jonesboro 9-1-1964
Whitaker, Joseph (1 st Lieut. ) Cannelton 2-24-1862 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Promoted to Captain 4-10-1862, dismissed 7-31-1863
White, Isaac (Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 8-22-1863
White, John (Private) Tobin Twp IN Inf
White, WilliamTobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt( Private) Wounded near Sacramento, KY 1861
Whitmer, RudolphTobin TwpCo A 60th Inf Regt(Major) Piles, kidney disease, and rheumatism
Whittaker, Joseph (Captain) Troy Twp Co G 53rd Inf Rheumatism contacted by exposure
Wickleson, Andy (Private) Union Twp Co E 38th Inf
Wifner, George (Corporal) Perry Co 10-7-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Wild, SamuelCannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K First Sergeant, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
Wild, Samuel (1 st Sergeant) Cannelton 8-29-1862 Co K 81st Inf Regt Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Wilde, SamuelCannelton 81st Ind InfCompany K 2nd Lieutenant commissioned 5 Sep 1862; Died 2 Jan 1863 of wounds received at the battle of Stone River.
Wilhelm, Ambros (Corporal) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 11-5-1862 disability
Wilhelm, Anton (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Wilhelm, Joseph (Private) Perry Co 12-4-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Mustered out 3-21-1865
Wilkerson, F.M. (Private) Tobin Twp 58th Inf
Wilkie, Michael (Recruit) Perry Co 9-4-1862 Co A 60th I nf regt Transferred to Co A 26th Regt
Will, John (Recruit) Perry Co 10-15-1864 Co G 53rd Inf Regt Mustered out 7-21-1865; drafted
Williams, Charles Edward (Private) Perry Co 8-19-1861 Co K 25th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out as Quartermaster Serg 7-17-1865
Williams, Proper ( Private) Leopold 8-28-1862 Co G 93rd Inf Regt Mustered out 8-10-1865
Williamson, Samuel F. (Corporal) Troy 11-21-1861 Co E 49th Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 9-12-1865 as Sergeant
Wilson, Benjamin (2nd Lieut. )Bridgeport9-30-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtResigned 3-12-1863
Wilson, Charles T. ( Private)Perry Co2-24-1862Co G 53rd I nf RegtVeteran; mustered out 7-21-1865 as Corporal
Wilson, Henry C. (Private)Cannelton8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Wilson, Ira Allen (Private)Tobin TwpCo E 48th InfKilled in Washington D.C. 6-3-1865
Wilson, Robert ( Private)Cannelton11-21-1861Co E 49th I nf RegtDischarged 3-16-1863
Wilson, Theodore (Private)Cannelton11-21-1861Co E 49th Inf RegtTransffered to V.R.C. 5-31-1864
Wiltrout, Benjamin F. (Private)Troy3-4-1862Co F 53rd Inf RegtVeteran; mustered out 7-21-1865
Winchel, Nirum L .( Co Q.M. SergearPerry Co4-2-1864Co L 13th Cav RegtMustered out 11-18-1865 as 1 st Sergeant
Winchell, James (Private)Tobin TwpIndiana Legion
Winchell, Levi (Private)Tobin TwpIndiana Legion
Wint, Adam (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtMustered out 8-30-1864
Winter, Ernest (Private)Oil TwpIN State Militia
Wisner, Michael ( Recruit)Perry Co9-4-1862Co A 60th Inf RegtTransferred to 26th Regt
Witmer, JacobLeopold10-8-1861Co D 35th Inf RegtCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Witmer, John (Private)Leopold10-8-1861Co D 35th Inf RegtCompany D Private, Mustered in 8 Oct 1861, Mustered out 17 Oct 1864.
Wollums, Samuel B. (Private)Oil TwpIN State Militia
Wood, Charles H (Musician)Cannelton8-28-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtMustered out 8-10-1865
Wood, Owen (Private)Cannerlton8-29-1862Co K 81st Inf RegtCompany K Private, Mustered in 29 Aug 1862, Mustered out 13 Jun 1865.
Woods, George W. ( Private)Cannelton8-28-1862Co G 93rd Inf RegtMustered out 8-10-1865
Worthington, Elisha R. (Private)Perry Co11-21-1861Co E 49th Inf RegtDeserted 12 - 28-1862
Worthington, William (Private)Derby8-22-1862Co G 81st Inf RegtMustered out 6-13-1865
Wright, Benjamin B. (Private)Cannelton8-30-1861Co F 26th Inft RegtDischarged 4-25-1862 disability
Wright, Berry (Private)Anderson TwpCo f 26th InfAlso served in Co H 4th Inf
Wright, Joseph (Pilot) Troy Twp Was Pilot on Hospital Boat
Wright, Pinkney ( Private) Cannelton 8-30-1861 Co F 26th Inft Regt Died at Carrollton, LA 8-20-1863
Yates, Davis A. (Private) Derby 8-22-1862 Co G 81st Inf Regt Mustered out 6-13-1865
Young, Jacob (Private) Rome 7-24-1861 Co A 21st Inf Regt Veteran; mustered out 1-13-1866
Young, Matthew ( Recruit) Perry Co 7-11-1862 Co E 49th Inf Regt
zcene, Jasper (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 11-12-1862 disability
Zeller, Johjn Sr. (2nd Lieut. ) Anderson Twp Indiana Legion
Zimmerman, John (Private) Troy Twp Co D 42nd Inf
Zscherpe, Gottfried (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th I nf Regt Discharged 1-14-1863 disability
Zulley, Casper (Recruit) Perry Co 10-24-1864 Co K 26th I nf Regt Mustered out 10-23-1865 substitute
Zwetschge, Clemens (Private) Perry Co 11-2-1861 Co A 60th Inf Regt Discharged 6-27-1862 disability
Willett, Thomas122nd USCI buried in Connor Cemetery at Derby
Rosencrants, JohnPerry, County INNashville National Cemetery, Nashville, Davidson County, TN
Figgins, Isaac Indiana21 Nov 1861.Mustered out on 29 Nov 1864.Enlisted in Company H, Indiana 49th Infantry Regiment on


History, Genealogy,Early Settlers and Historical Points of Perry County, Indiana