Elected Officials

Elected Officials of Perry County.

Elected Officials of Perry County, Indiana
· Justices of the Peace. —George Tobin, John Stephenson, Runnels Jeffers, Jesse Barber, Israel Lamb, George Burkhart, 1814; James G. Jones, James D. Hammond, Joseph D. Miller, William Shrode, 1815; Thomas Carter, William Shrodes, John Daniel, Samuel E. Goodrich, George Huffman, Jesse Barber, Charles Polk, Israel Lamb, Charles Hedden, John Ewing, 1817; Thomas Tobin, Wait Vaughan, Andrew Gelwick, John Stephenson, John Bristoe, 1818; Reuben Morgan, John W. Ricks, Thomas Fitzgerald, Samuel Eslick, William Taylor, Gabriel Goad, 1819; David Corwin, Stephen Shoemaker, Samuel Mallory, 1820; James Riley, Moses B. Niles, Jacob Davis, Ignatius Thompson, 1821; James Williams, Abel Butler, 1822; Thomas Tobin, Elijah DeWitt, John Hargis, Ephraim Hills, John Sutherland, 1823; John Bristoe, John Murphy, Benjamin Fortune, John S. Paddock, 1824; Aaron Cunningham, Peter Server, William Carpenter, John McKim, Aaron Baker, Greenburg S. Holloway, 1825; Samuel Mallory, William Underhill, Solomon Burns, 1826; Henry C. Axton, James Reily, Robert Nelson, Jacob Davis, William Higgins, 1827; Henry Hillman, Elijah DeWitt, Thomas Tobin, 1828; William Myers, 1829; Warren Duncan, William Cavender, Alexander Cunningham, James Howe, William Marshall, 1830; Mark Hardin, 1831; James D. Bristoe, James Sutherland, Isaac Helms, John Hargis, William Elder, Caterby Ball, 1832; Joshua B. Huckaby, Samuel Frisbie, John C. Reily, Robert Niles, 1833; Ignatius Johnson, Edmund Jennings, Thomas Tobin, Josiah Anderson, William Figgins, David G. Wilson; Peter Barber, William Myers, 1834; Samuel Frisbie, Hadley J. Minor, Samuel Ewing, William Huff, H. P. Brazee, John Farris, 1835; John J. Lang, David P. Helms, James Sutherland, John Daniel, Thomas Polk, Joseph White, 1837; Mason E. Carter, Daniel Hays, Eli Cummings, 1838; Nicholas Vaughan, Edward M. Sharpe, James Cassidy, Joseph D. Carmichle, 1839; Aloisius G. Byrne, John Shoemaker, Hadley J. Minor, David Conley, Jesse C. Esarey, Samuel Frisbie, 1840; Thomas H. Bristoe, Arnold Elder, John Farris, 1841; H. P. Brazee, William McKinley, R. W. Reily, Thomas Polk, 1842; Hinson Thrasher, Richard Polk, Fielding L. Webb, William Myers, John Cassidy, John Taylor, Jacob Shoemaker, 1843; Jonathan Davidson, G. H. Weatherholt, James Foster, John Kirkby, 1844; William Stumbo, Allen M. Ferguson, Francis F. Spencer, 1845.
· County Commissioners—John Bristoe, Hart Humphrey and Safford Hascall, 1831; John Shoemaker, 1834; Hart Humphrey, 1835; Jacob Wadley, 1836; John McKim, 1837; Hart Humphrey, 1837; William G. Ewing, 1838; David James, 1838; Greenville Polk, 1839; W. G. Ewing, 1841; James B. Worthington, 1842, vice James, Greenville Polk, 1842; James Cassidy, 1843, vice Worthington; W. G. Ewing, 1844; Solomon Lamb, 1845; William Figgins, 1845; J. B. Worthington, 1846; John J. Lang, 1848 (spring); M. C. Barkwell, 1848 (summer); Taylor Basye, 1848 (fall); Aloyseus G. Byrne, 1849, vice Figgins, (Lang and Basye his associates), John J. Lang, 1850; Taylor Basye, 1851; William Elder, 1852; John J. Lang, 1853; James N. Ewing, 1853, Arnold Elder, June 1854, vice William Elder; Samuel T. Groves, 1854 ; Job Hatfield, 1854; J. M. Gest, 1855 (spring) vice Ewing ; William Hatfield, 1855; W. C. Sampson, 1855; William Elder, 1856 (his associates being Groves and Hatfield); James Hardin, 1857; Joseph Cassidy, 1858; Michael Dusch, 1859; Thomas Polk, 1860; James Powell, 1861; Michael Dusch, 1862; Thomas Polk, 1863; James Powell, 1864; Michael Dusch, 1865; David C. Dome, 1866; Andrew J. Adye, 1867; Michael Dusch, 1868; D. C. Dome, 1869; James M. Combs, 1870; James U. Van Winkle, 1870; P. W. Sampley, 1870; Henry Ludwig, 1872; Elias Brewer, 1873; James S. Frakes, 1873; Samuel King, 1875; Zalmon Tousey, 1876; Henry Basinger, 1876; Patrick Cunniff, 1878; Zalmon Tousey, 1879; Hinton Miller, 1879; Waldo Simons, 1^81; Charles Steinauer, 1881; Michael Mogan, 1882; Martin S. Sweat, 1882; Crist Rauscher, 1884. ,
· Senators.—Ratliff Boon, 1818; Daniel Grass, 1822; John Daniel, 1827; Samuel Frisbie, 1830; Richard Polk, 1831; George B. Thompson, 1833; Gaines H. Roberts, 1841; Robert G. Cotton, 1842; Mason J. Howell, 1845; Christopher C. Graham, 1848; W. B, Richardson, 1855; John C. Shoemaker, 1858; Benoni S. Fuller, 1863; S. F. Johnson, 1867; William F. Sherrod, 1869; John Stroud, 1871; R. Tobin, 1875; Henry Kramer, 1879; Heber J. May, 1883.
· Representatives.—Samuel Connor, 1818; John Daniel, 1822; David Edwards, 1823; John Daniel, 1825; Isaac Veatch, 1827; Samuel" Frisbie, 1828; Richard Polk, 1829; John Pitcher, 1830; Richard Polk, 1831; M. J. Howell, 1832; Joshua B. Huckaby, 1836; R. G. Cotton, 1837; William Jones, 1839; Frederick Connor, 1840; R. G. Cotton, 1841; Joshua B. Huckaby, 1842; Arnold Elder, 1843; Joshua B. Huckaby, 1844; G. B. Thompson, 1845; Erastus Sackett, 1847; R. G. Cotton, 1848; Frederick Connor, 1849; John McKim, 1850; Milton Walker, 1851; David T. Laird, 1852; * * * Ballard Smith, 1855; Hamilton Smith, 1858; Magnus Brucker, 1861; James Hardin, 1863; Henry Groves, 1865; Magnus Brucker, 1867; J. C. Shoemaker, 1869; James Hardin, 1871; Gabriel Schmuck, 1873; John H. Haynes, 1875; Andrew J. Hatfield, 1877; Gustave Huthsteirier, 1879; Joseph F. Sul%er, 1881; Phillip Smith, 1883.
· Clerks.—Solomon Lamb, September, 1814 (In October, 1814, a dedimus was issued to S. Lamb to swear in Perry County officers); William S. Lamb, 1837; Thomas Hanna, 1851; Joseph M. Gest, 1855; William P. Drumb, 1859; Gabriel Schmuck, 1863; Sidney B. Hatfield, 1870 ; John T. Patrick, 1874; Lewis Dwyer, 1882.
· Recorders.—Solomon Lamb, September, 1814; William S. Lamb, 1837; Thomas Hanna, 1851; Henry Groves, 1855; Gabriel Schmuck, 1859 ; William P. Drumb, 1863; James Peters, 1867; Israel B. Whitehead, 1875 ; Lewis Dwyer, 1876; August J. Hoby, 1882.
· Auditors.—Henry McCay, 1841; Burrell B. Lea, 1844; William Van Winkle, 1850; H. M. Curry, 1853; John C. Shoemaker, 1853; D. L.Armstrong, 1857 ; John H. Thompson, 1861.; Thomas J. de la Hunt, 1865; Alfred Vaughan, 1870; John W. Minor, 1874; Isaac Dunn, 1882.
· Sheriffs.—Samuel Connor, September, 1814 (a dedimus issued to Rati iff Boon to swear in all officers of Perry County, September, 1814); Dade Connor, 1816; John Lamb, 1818 ; Peter Barber, 1820; Richard Polk, 1824; John Shoemaker, 1826; Samuel Ewing, 1828; Eli Carr, 1830 ; William Marshall, 1834; Elijah Huckaby, 1838; Presley Hall, 1842 ; Arad L. Simons, 1842; Burrell B. Lea, 1846; Israel Stevenson, 1848; Lewis Crist, 1850 ; Lewis Roff, 1854, George W. Patterson, 1856; Alfred Vaughan, 1860; Abraham Lasher, 1862; Charles May, 1864; Matthias M. Howard, 1868; James A. Burkett, 1872; John Sweeney, 1876 ; Austin P. Hemphill, 1880; John Sweeney, 1884.
· Surveyors.—Elias Roberts, 1816 ; John Cassidy, 1819; William Sutherland, 1831; Edward M. Sharp (appointed), 1840-41; Joseph B. Ball (appointed), 1841-43; Fred Conner, 1843; John Curry, 1852; James J. Tool, 1854; Daniel R. McKim,.1856; Augustus Pfafflin, 1860; James Peter, 1864; James J. Tool, 1866; James B. Bennett, 1868; Daniel R. McKim, 1870; Walter M. Hunter, 1874; Daniel R. McKim, 1876; George Minto, 1884.
· Treasurers.—Samuel Frisbie, 1822; Elijah Huckaby, 1842; Hiram Carr, 1844; John C. Shoemaker, 1846; Isaac W. Whitehead, 1852 Job Hatfield, 1856; Samuel K. Conner, 1860; Alfred Vaughan, 1862 Samuel K. Conner, 1864; Titus Cummings, 1866; William A. Jordan 1868; Gustave Huthstoiner, 1870; James Peter, 1874; Peter Zuchrei gal, 1876; James M. Combs, 1880; Hinton Miller, 1884.
· School Examiners.—Samuel Frisbie, Joshua B. Huckaby and Solo man Lamb, 1836, examiners; W. B. Campbell, 1837, vice Huckaby Fred Connor and Joseph Springer, 1839, vice Frisbie and Campbell; W S. Lamb and James Hall, 1841, vice S. Lamb and Springer; B. B. Lea. 1843, vice W. S. Lamb; Fred Connor, W. S. Lamb and James Hall 1845; Charles H. Mason, Aloyseus G. Byrne and William Van Winkle, 1849; William S. Lamb, 1854; A. H. Jones, Hiram M. Curry, J. B Maynard, 1855; Daniel R. McKim, 1856; Charles H. Mason, Elijah Huckaby, James T. Bean, 1857; James Hall, Charles Fournier, 1858 Hall and Curry, 1859; Charles Fournier, 1860; James Peter, March 1861; John Stephens, June, 1861 (under a new law); Sumner Clark June, 1864; Simeon Jaseph, Jr., February, 1867; J. T. Bean, September, 1867; Theodore Courcier, June, 1871; same, first superintendent, June, 1873; Israel L. Whitehead, June, 1879.
· Associate Judges.—Charles Polk, September, 1814 ; James McDaniel, September, 1814; Thomas Polk, October 1814; vice Charles Polk, resigned; Thomas Morton, 1817; John Stevenson, 1818; Edmund Jennings, 1820; Moses B. Niles, 1825; Samuel Harding, 1829; Jonathan D. Esarey, 1830; Thomas Tobin, 1837; Stephen Shoemaker, 1838; Amos L. D. Williams, 1844; James Wheeler, 1845; John Groves, 1846; Daniel Curry, 1851; Samuel Miller, 1851. (For Circuit Judges see chapter on Bench and Bar.)
· Probate Judges.—Samuel Frisbie, 1829; James Reily, 1830; Safford Hascall, 1835; Hart Humphrey, 1850.
· Coroners.—Francis Posey, 1814; Alexander Miller, 1816; Joseph White, 1822; George Ewing, Jr., 1824; Nathan Harris, 1826; Daniel Taylor, 1828; Thomas Thrasher, 1832; Thomas Vest, 1834 ; Presley Hall, 1835; Thomas Royston, 1836; William P. Pierce, 1838; Samuel Conner, 1842; George P. Kyles, 1845; Terrence Connor, 1845; Daniel Hardin, 1849; Levi Hall, 1851; G. H. Sells, 1853; Morris D. Carter, 1854; Thomas J. Hall, 1856; Scott Long, 1860; Thomas J. Hall, 1862; John Dorn, 18tf4; Frederick Steiner, 1866; Charles Reif, 1867; William Basye, 1868; John W. Fell, 1870; Henry Nimsgern, 1874; John B. Bank, 1878; Frederick Meunier, 1880; William Davenport, 1882; Charles W. Ladd, 1884.

History, Genealogy,Early Settlers and Historical Points of Perry County, Indiana