You may also like to Join our Southern Indiana Connections Group on Face Book. Which is a Closed Group.
Garland EdgellIs there a group for Gibson County on FaceBook?19.02.2015 at 05:32 pmLike
Southern Indiana Connections GenealogyHey Cousins, Got Dugan's, Jeffers and Sandage connected a good ways around now. I know there are others out there that know of grave locations and would like to link up. Maybe share this if you know anyone looking for family links or know a cemetery where they maybe located.17.02.2015 at 07:22 pmLike
Southern Indiana Connections GenealogySettin’ on the front porch; say, want to really get some feel good and warm up this cold weather. My Southern Indiana Connections Website has become a affiliate of Amazon. com. If you purchase any item through the site, I will donate 50% of the profits too; Veterans’, Cancer research and Riley’s Children Hospital. If I don’t have a line of products you are interested in, let me know and I will back up another truck load. Thanks for your support; at 08:43 pmLike
Southern Indiana Connections GenealogyCollecting Photos of Veterans that have served for new Perry County, Indiana Veterans book. If you have a picture of some Veteran we will get it to the right people for entry into the book.13.02.2015 at 05:45 pmLike
Southern Indiana Connections GenealogyCollecting Photo's of Veterans who have server and placing in new Book. If you know some one that has served, Don't let them be forgotten.12.02.2015 at 07:40 pmLike
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